Environmental and Health Groups Oppose 5G in Bermuda — Deployment Temporarily Halted

By B.N. Frank

High-speed internet is achievable, safer and more secure with a wired internet connection (see 1, 2, 3) NOT 5G or WiFi.

The majority of scientists worldwide oppose 5G. Cities worldwide AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums.

In July, Bermuda residents submitted a petition asking for a moratorium on deployment. In August, legislators issued a temporary moratorium. Earlier this month, legislators halted deployment and opened an inquiry on Federal Communications Commission (FCC) RadioFrequency (RF) safety limits.

Thanks to Environmental Health Trust for reporting more about the activism in Bermuda.

Bermuda: Environmental & Health Groups On 5G

Theodora Scarato interviewed several leaders working on 5G in Bermuda. Watch the video below to learn more.

Press Release Environmental & Health Groups On 5G

November 5, 2020  

Greenrock, the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce, Ocean Rock Wellness, Bermuda Advocates for Safe Technology, and Dr. David Wingate are all joining together to “bring awareness to concerns regarding the potential deployment of 5G technology in Bermuda.”

A spokesperson said, “In response to increased community concern, Greenrock, the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce, Ocean Rock Wellness, Bermuda Advocates for Safe Technology, and Dr. David Wingate are all joining together to bring awareness to concerns regarding the potential deployment of 5G technology in Bermuda.

“The groups are also advocating for an extension to the public consultation being administered by the Regulatory Authority [RA], which is currently scheduled to close on November 23rd.

“We strongly urge the RA to extend the public consultation on 5G, which is being held during a time when our focus has been on a global pandemic, for at least 30 days.

“It is important that adequate time be allocated for the general public to understand the potential risks and provide their input,” they added.

“This is about the health and safety of the people of Bermuda, especially our most vulnerable, and as a result, we are deeply concerned that this push for 5G is placing profit over people.

“5G is very different from previous generations of wireless technology. It promises an increase in data transmission rates by using high-frequency, short millimeter waves, which require a large number of antennas to be erected in close proximity to homes, schools, and places of work.

“The technology requires massive increases in energy consumption and there are genuine concerns that 5G also poses risks to birds, bees and tree canopy. For full coverage, antenna installations will need to take place island-wide, therefore involuntarily exposing all of us to a substantial increase in wireless radiation.

“At the moment, we can all choose the extent to which we use wireless technology in our homes, however should 5G technology be approved in Bermuda, the rollout of 5G infrastructure, and our subsequent exposure to considerable increases in wireless radiation, will happen without our consent.

“5G is globally controversial, with a growing list of countries and cities halting its implementation. In Bermuda, we need to determine our position and the window of opportunity for influencing the outcome has arrived.

“We must act now if we wish for our voices to be heard. A petition to stop the deployment of 5G in Bermuda is currently circulating, with over 3,500 signatures to date, and the link to sign and share the petition is here.

See a poster from Advocates for Safe Technology and Leaders organizing on 5G below.

Since 2018 there have been reports of people and animals experiencing symptoms and illnesses where 5G has been installed (see 1, 2, 3, 4). Of course other sources of wireless emit harmful radiation too. Last year, the World Health Organization cautioned that high levels of Electromagnetic Radiation exposure (aka “Electrosmog”) could lead to health issues in a significant portion of the population.

The FCC is supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom industry. They have catered to the industry at the expense of the public instead. During the Trump administration, lawsuits have been filed against them for NOT protecting Americans from unsafe levels of radiation as well as 5G on Earth (see 1, 2, 3, 4) and in space.

The agency refuses to update 24-year-old federal RF radiation exposure guidelines. Doctors and scientists have asked MANY TIMES and again recently that health and environmental risks from from 5G, cell towers and other wireless sources be evaluated by experts with no conflicts of interest (see also 1, 2, 3). Nope.

Kudos to Bermuda for trying to protect itself from Big Telecom and its cronies.

Activist Post reports regularly about 5G and other unsafe technology. For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

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Environmental and Health Groups Oppose 5G in Bermuda — Deployment Temporarily Halted