End University Mandates for COVID Tech

By Rory Mir

Since the COVID-19 crisis began, many universities have looked to novel technologies to assist their efforts to retain in-person operations. Most prominent are untested contact tracing and notification applications or devices. While universities must commit to public health, too often these programs invade privacy and lack transparency. To make matters worse, some universities mandate these technologies for students, faculty, staff, and even visitors.  As we’ve stated before, forcing people to install COVID-related technology on their personal devices is the wrong call.

This is why the EFF is launching our new campaign: End University App Mandates.  Please help us call on university officials to publicly commit to the University App Mandate Pledge (UAMP). It contains seven transparency and privacy-enhancing policies that university officials must adopt to protect the privacy, security, and transparency of their community members. Whether you are a student, a worker, a community member, or an alum, we need your support in defending privacy on campus.



Source: EFF.org

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End University Mandates for COVID Tech