Poll: Majority of Brits Support Government Making Coronavirus Vaccine Mandatory

A new YouGov poll reveals that a majority of Brits support the government making the coronavirus vaccine mandatory.

Participants were asked, “Once a coronavirus vaccine is available, would you support or oppose the government making it legally compulsory for all people in Britain to be vaccinated?”

49 percent support making it mandatory, while 34 percent oppose the idea. 17 percent say they don’t know.

When broken down into political persuasion, more Conservative Party supporters (54 percent) support making it compulsory compared to Labour Party supporters (46 percent).

The results of the poll have to be viewed with the proviso that some people are obviously telling pollsters what they think they want to hear.

Other polls have shown that a majority of Brits support lockdown and want even tougher measures, although when asked to be honest about whether they’d personally abided by them, only 18% said they had.

As we highlighted earlier, British MP Tom Tugendhat said employees should not be able to return to work until they had taken the COVID vaccine, while Health Secretary Matt Hancock refused to rule out making it mandatory.

Meanwhile, the Danish government was forced to back down on giving authorities the power to forcibly inject people after nine days of protests.

Both ticketing companies and the airline industry have suggested they are considering making proof of having taken the vaccine a condition of being allowed to enter venues or fly on a plane.


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