VIDEO PROOF: Million MAGA March Had At Least 560,000, Police Sources Say Over 1 Million

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The mainstream press is desperately trying to downplay the size of Saturday’s Million MAGA March. However, National File reviewed video footage proving that hundreds of thousands attended, at a bare minimum. Based on photographic evidence, National File can conservatively estimate 568,000 attendees.

Additionally, sources in the DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPDC) confirmed that the Million MAGA March easily eclipsed left-wing cult leader Louis Farrakhan’s 1995 Million Man March and likely exceeded 1 million total. To understand the scope of the crowd, it’s helpful to understand the dimensions at play.

The MPDC police cordon extended north-south from G Street NW to Independence Avenue SW and east-west from the Supreme Court to the Potomac River. That encompasses an area roughly 2.5 miles long and 0.75 miles wide, covering the entirety of the National Mall.

The parade route went from Freedom Plaza along Pennsylvania Avenue NW to Constitution Avenue NW and finished at the Supreme Court of the United States. The National Park Service estimates total capacity of Freedom Plaza at 13,900. The total length of the parade route was roughly 1.5 miles (~2,400 meters) at a point where Constitution Avenue is curb-to-curb 80ft wide (24.384 meters).

Photographic evidence and eyewitness accounts put an unbroken line of curb-to-curb marchers from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court Library, with a spillover crowd covering the east end of the Capitol Grounds (roughly 282 square meters).

Using Jacobs’ Method of estimating crowd sizes, that would put the total marchers at 234,000. If the spillover crowds on the Capitol Grounds and in Freedom Plaza are counted, that would be an additional 320,000 and 13,900, respectively.

But the video proof from radio and talk show host Alex Jones seals the deal. In three separate, unbroken pan shots (12:48, 13:07, 13:40) we can see an unbroken line of marchers 80ft wide from the intersection of Pennsylvania and Constitution to the north end of the Capitol Complex. At the 14-minute mark, the march stops at the corner of Constitution and First St. NE to cheer on the unbroken line from the Supreme Court Library to Pennsylvania Avenue NW.

READ MORE: Exclusive Video Shows Million Patriots Marching For President Trump In DC

This video clearly shows a minimum of 100,000 marchers visible in pans ranging from 180° to 360°.

Image made with Google Maps Distance Calculator

The problem with mainstream media coverage is that their journalists, if they were even on the ground at all, only took photos of the preparation stages of the Freedom Plaza rally before the march had even started. Some took video of a smaller march by the Proud Boys which took place two hours before the main event.

National File’s video of the singing of the National Anthem at Freedom Plaza at the rally’s kick-off demonstrates that the plaza itself (again, with a capacity of 13,900) was completely packed.

Note that we’re relying on back-up footage here because our livestream terminated when local cell-phone towers overloaded.

NBC4 reporter Shomari Stone, an award-winning local journalist, shared the one accurate aerial picture of the rally before the Million MAGA March. Embarrassingly, NBC photojournalist Brooks Meriwether’s photograph of over 13,000 marchers was ignored when NBC4 reported that mere “thousands” were in attendance.

Left-wing commentators accused Stone of sharing Fake News and refused to believe Meriwether was a real person, so Stone had to correct them:

To date, we have not seen evidence of any mainstream press aerial shots of the actual Million MAGA March itself.

New York Times, Washington Post, The Hill, The BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, US News & World Report, NPR, The San Francisco Chronicle and Fox News all claimed “thousands” attended the march.

READ MORE: Million MAGA Marchers Chant ‘FOX NEWS SUCKS!’

USA Today had the the only remotely accurate estimate with “tens of thousands”.

The one mainstream outlet which deserves a gold star for not embarrassing themselves with false estimates is the New York Post, who noted that Freedom Plaza was clearly at its capacity of 13,000 and that 300,000 signed up online before Facebook shut down the group.

National File contacted The New York TimesWashington PostThe HillThe BBCNBCAl JazeeraUS News & World ReportNPRThe San Francisco Chronicle, Associated Press and Fox News. We advised them all that our analysis showed hundreds of thousands of attendees at a minimum and asked:

  1. Did you have any reporters on the ground during the Million MAGA March itself? (not during the pre-March rally at Freedom Square)
  2. Do you have photography of the Million MAGA March itself? (not the Proud Boys march conducted 2 hours earlier)
  3. What did you rely on to conclude that “thousands” were in attendance?
  4. Will you correct your articles to account for “hundreds of thousands” or “at least one hundred thousand” in attendance?
  5. Failing that, will you correct them to “tens of thousands?”

We also specifically asked NBC4 why they ignored their own reporter’s photography when they wrote their article.

US News & World Report advised National File that they reproduced the story as written by the Associated Press and took no responsibility for their incorrect reporting. National File did not receive an immediate response from other news outlets.

This reporter, a DC native, would like to take a moment to thank the 4,000 brave men and women of the DC Metropolitan Police Department for protecting our First Amendment rights, and note that violence did not erupt until night fell and the majority of marchers left the area.

The post VIDEO PROOF: Million MAGA March Had At Least 560,000, Police Sources Say Over 1 Million appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.