President Trump Goes After Big Tech: “For Purposes of National Security, Section 230 Must be Immediately Terminated!!!”

President Trump on Thursday evening went after big tech and said it is time to terminate Section 230 for “purposes of national security.”

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provides protections for online intermediaries that host or republish third-party content.

Online intermediaries such as Twitter or Facebook must act as a neutral platform in order to be protected against laws that would make them legally responsible for what their users post.

It is clear that Twitter and Facebook are now publishers since they are making editorial decisions on what content is allowed to be shared by users.

Twitter and Facebook have been censoring conservatives for years but they really ramped up their censorship after the election and began targeting President Trump.

Twitter is blocking content that is revealing the massive Democrat voter fraud and ran a warning for “unsafe link” to Sidney Powell’s Defending the Republic website.

Every time President Trump tweets about the election fraud, Twitter flags his tweets.

Trump said, “For purposes of National Security, Section 230 must be immediately terminated!!!”

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