WOW! Shifty Dominion Uses a “FactCheck” Statement by CISA Group that INCLUDES DOMINION to “Prove” Its Innocence on Its Own “FactCheck” Page

Earlier this month CISA director Chris Krebs rebuked President Trump’s claims that votes were deleted and changed by voting machines and tabulation software.

“There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said in a statement released following the controversial election.

Krebs was later fired by President Trump.

Chris Krebs forgot to mention that Dominion Voting Sytems IS PART of the CISA group!
So Dominion essentially shot down accusations of voter fraud using a statement that obscured their membership in the group that made the statement!

Jim Jordan spoke about this on Newsmax TV.

Now Dominion is using the CISA statement to defend itself from accusations of lost, deleted or switched votes.

This quote was taken from the Dominion webpage this morning.

The link above goes to an AP factcheck article that uses CISA as evidence to “debunk” a “tal tale of deleted votes.”

In the “Factcheck” article the AP uses the CISA statement to debunk the claims of fraud.

Again, Dominion is part of CISA so Dominion is using its own statement to defend itself on their website’s “factcheck” claim.

If Dominion is this shady on the front page of its website — what else are they hiding?

The post WOW! Shifty Dominion Uses a “FactCheck” Statement by CISA Group that INCLUDES DOMINION to “Prove” Its Innocence on Its Own “FactCheck” Page appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.