EXCLUSIVE: CNN Credits Democrats’ ‘Native Votes’ Effort That Bribed Voters for ‘Biden Victory’

CNN openly credited a “Native Votes” effort from Democrat organizers that bribed voters with gift cards, electronics, and even resort stays with Joe Biden’s alleged win.

As Gateway Pundit reported earlier on Sunday evening, these “giveaways” in exchange for votes took place in Arizona, Nevada, and a slew of other states.

Any monetary exchange for votes, whether partisan or not, is illegal.

In Wisconsin, the Native Vote effort openly posted support for Joe Biden on their social media accounts — and donations were processed through and supported the Democrat fundraising operation Act Blue.

Among other “prizes” and giveaways, Native Vote gave away swag bags and held $50 Gift Card Raffles.

Native Organizers Alliance, another organization involved in these efforts, works directly with Act Blue. When you click to donate on their website, you are redirected to an ActBlue fundraising page. They are also fiscally sponsored by Alliance for a Just Society.


“You see those little blue dots in Arizona? Those are Native American community played a tremendous role…” Van Jones said on CNN before name dropping Native Vote, Native Organizers Alliance and other organizations that were providing gifts for votes. He credited them with Biden’s alleged victory.

This is part of an extensive series the Gateway Pundit is working on regarding the Nevada Native Vote Project scandal.

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