GEORGIA: 17,514 ‘Voters’ Had Permanently Forwarded Out-of-State Mailing Addresses

Joe Biden, USPS Forwarding Request

Georgia state officials – all Republicans – are rallying the wagons around embattled Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger by taking to the microphones to declare that Georgia was free of widespread vote fraud during the November 3, 2020 General Election. But a mountain of evidence proves otherwise.

A former FBI Special Agent examined the voter rolls of the over 580,000 registered voters in the State of Georgia election database. What he found contradicted what the Georgia officials are saying about a fraud-free election.

Derek Somerville, a trained federal investigator and former member of the US intelligence community, found over 57,000 ballots that were cast in a county where the voter was not a legal resident.

Somerville’s examination of the data also found that over 17,000 ballots were forwarded out of state via a permanent United States Postal Service forwarding request authorization. This means that the voters were officially no longer residents of the State of Georgia.

“I’ve personally spent the last several days painstakingly analyzing 580,226 registered Georgia voters from current state-provided voter rolls who submitted a US Postal Service Mail Forwarding Change of Address request at least 30 days prior to the November 3rd election,” Somerville said.

“At least 57,793 Georgia voters cast their vote in a county that is different than where they previously instructed the USPS to forward their mail and 43,507 (75 percent) of these individuals did not vote in person on election day.” Somerville continued.

Somerville went on to say that of those 57,793 ballots cast, 17,514 of those voters requested the USPS to permanently forward their mail out of state to non-military addresses.

Examination of those 17,514 requests revealed that 89 percent of those requesting ballots were over the age of 25 and likely not to be college students.

State election officials indicated that approximately 940,000 absentee and mail-in ballots have already been requested for the January 5, 2021, twin run-off elections that will both decide who will represent the State of Georgia in the US Senate, and define which political party will hold the majority in that chamber.

Republican incumbent Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue are facing off against Progressives Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, respectively. Warnock is a self-avowed Black theologist and Ossoff is a failed Democrat congressional candidate.

Should Warnock and Ossoff prevail in the January 5 run-off elections, Democrats will have achieved one-party rule in Washington, DC.

The last time Democrats achieved one-party rule they ignored minority party objections to the Affordable Care Act and unilaterally made it the law of the land, resulting in new benefits for few and higher insurance costs and diminished services for the rest of the nation.