Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website Of All China Related Business

One of the main criticisms by conservatives of Joe Biden over the last 12 months is that he has too many questionable ties to China.

Some have even suggested that Biden is even compromised by his ties to China, and can’t fairly represent the United States.

Now a firm linked to Biden, through someone he wants to add to his team, is fueling speculation by scrubbing their business links to China.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden’s election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants.

An archived version of the WestExec site states that “U.S. research universities” were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to “remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs.”

The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense.

This seems a little suspicious, doesn’t it?

Watch closely, as the liberal media ignores all of this.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website Of All China Related Business appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.