Will Alternative Media Push Biden To Rein In Wall Street?

By Aaron Kesel

Surprising both alternative and mainstream media outlets, President-elect Joe Biden recently named Wall Street scourge Gary Gensler as Advisor on policy for regulating Wall Street, as Bloomberg reported.

Though Gary Gensler worked many years for Goldman Sachs, Wall Street is afraid of the post-2008 crisis subsequent public service works by Gensler; who worked for the CFTC, Senator Sarbanes, and Dodd-Frank era regulations.

Compounding Wall Street executives’ frets is the added speculation that former SDNY United States Attorney, Preet Bharara, could replace Jay Clayton as chair of the SEC.

This is because a TIME Magazine article labeled Preet Bharara as “The Man Busting Wall Street.” In fact, Bharara obtained almost 100 Wall Street convictions, albeit most unrelated to the crash, according to the Financial Times.

It is widely known that mainstream media is mostly hands-off on Wall Street schemes until an indictment is announced. As for alternative media outlets, Wall Street on Parade’s Jesse Eisinger has given good efforts to hold the powers-that-be to account.

More recently, former International Business Times Editor David Sirota has started a new endeavor, after working for the Bernie Sanders campaign.

Parade and Sirota both did some lambasting of S.E.C. Chairman Jay Clayton.

Wall Street on Parade‘s more recent article (here) noted that Jay Clayton played golf with Trump, who then worked with USAG Barr, to (speciously) try to demote SEC Chair Jay Clayton down to the post of SDNY United States Attorney.

Fortunately, the scheme to let Clayton take over SDNY prosecutors office – failed!

David Sirota’s new entity DailyPoster simultaneously pointed out, in Sirota’s story titled – “SEC Blows Whistle on Trump-appointed Chairman” – that Clayton’s efforts has trended towards potential harm of retirement funds.

Both Wall Street on Parade and David Sirota have a lot of catching up to do; because they seem to have some personal aversion to our Activist Post featured whistleblower – eToys CEO Laser Haas.

For 5 years now, this underground reporter has been highlighting the whistleblowing efforts of Laser which everyone else seems to ignore.

The whistleblowing has been so troublesome for Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital – to the point that they corruptly utilize cronies in the FBI and DOJ, who have threatened to imprison Laser for the rest of his life.

Laser has tried, multiple times, to work with any media outlet to get justice in his eToys/Toys R Us related cases.

Believe it or not, there’s considerable evidence that Laser helped stop Mitt Romney’s presidential ambitions.

Additionally, Laser has helped shut down nationwide fraud schemes and helped put dozens in jail.

Intolerably, my articles about Laser’s whistleblowing constantly suffer pushback from shadowbanning; which is another stymie of ongoing justice efforts.

More so, social media outlets have deleted my accounts; which has caused me to lose tens of thousands of followers, with the largest account at nearly 40K before being suspended.

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This is one reason why as alternative media outlets we should work together to fight the extremely important fights such as against Wall St’s crooked schemes.

Rolling Stone‘s Matt Taibbi September 2012 cover story “Greed and Debt” was based on Laser Haas’s whistleblowing on the Kay-Bee Toys and Stage Stores fraud, and that article reached millions of viewers. Taibbi helped defeat Mitt Romney, although he doesn’t get the credit for it.

Unfortunately, since then, Matt Taibbi seems to have gone dark on being a critic of Wall Street; since December 2017, Penske Media bought Rolling Stone and Taibbi has said nothing about Romney, the killing of Toys R Us, or Goldman Sachs ripping off of Malaysia 1MDB.

Matt Taibbi missed many important facts with his “Greed and Debt: True Story about Mitt Romney and Bain Capital” – that may have gotten Taibbi a Pulitzer prize had he expanded on what Laser told him.

Matt missed significant details such as the fact Kay-Bee CEO Michael Glazer also was a Director at Stage Stores (Glazer is now CEO of Stage; which has filed bankruptcy- again).

For 5 years now, one of the most important cases that this reporter has reported on, involves the organized crime partnerships of Goldman Sachs with Bain Capital in destroying the entire big-box retail toys industry.

Kay-Bee, Zainy Brainy, Jumbo Sports, Gymboree, FAO Schwarz, Toys R Us, and eToys are all gone at the hands of these two companies.

Tens of billions of dollars stolen and 50,000 jobs are lost; because Sachs and Bain Capital benefit from the worst type of corruption.

If Sirota, Taibbi, Eisinger, Palast, Camp or Hedges would just report the facts on Colm Connolly or Steven Peikin or James Lackner’s betrayal of the public trust – then there could be a chance for justice.

Just think how swift indictments would be if ALL of us independent journalists were on the same page of issues like this one!

Activist Post doesn’t understand why other alternative media outlets flatly refuse to look into Laser Haas’s efforts to get justice; but this reporter knew from his first discussions with Laser that he was trying to save Toys R Us.

Additionally, this author knows Laser had enough evidence to block Jay Clayton from becoming Chairman of SEC (as a matter of fact, Laser sued Trump to block Jay Clayton, but the Clerk of D.C. Federal Court refused to docket the HAAS v. TRUMP case – until well after Clayton was confirmed – see details here).

Furthermore, this journalist has labeled Laser Haas to be a “serial whistleblower”; because he has vast proofs that Sachs, Bain Capital, and Mattel colluded to defraud investors and creditors of mass billions of dollars- whilst destroying many public and private companies (see some of my previous articles – herehereherehere and here).

Everybody can plainly see Trump’s Administration has done massive harm to the nation’s economy; which is going to require serious fixing.

Alternative media outlets are being quashed at every turn. Lee Camp just reported on how horrific the shadowbanning has become, and Chris Hedges was fired from Truthdig after being there for 14 years.

Laser Haas has a history with both Trump, Joe Biden, and a specious (non) history with Preet Bharara; which is very important in the weeks to come.

Collectively, we alternative media outlets can do good work in helping to make sure the Biden Administration is pushed in the right direction by keeping them accountable.

We can’t have another era of a President who doesn’t “drain the swamp.”

Laser is concerned that Preet Bharara is putting more foxes in charge of guarding the henhouse (inserting Wall Street snakes into the waters) or filling the swamp.

It took 20 years for Harry Markopolos to help bring down Madoff’s Ponzi scheme; and, oddly enough, Laser Haas now sees his 20th year of fighting for justice come March 7th, 2021.

Will we in the alternative media push through the barriers so we can do our job of helping prevent more companies being destroyed where tens of thousands of jobs and multi-billions of dollars are lost?

Both Kay-Bee and eToys were in bankruptcy, multiple times; and now they’re gone.

There should be a Task Force investigation into the destruction of the entire big-box retailers of toys.

Bain Capital has made a “bizness” of doing bankruptcies; with Bain’s biggest one being the $20 billion bankruptcy of Clear Channel/iHeartRadio.

Taibbi’s “Greed and Debt” article addressed Laser’s cases of Stage Stores and Kay-Bee, but Rolling Stone failed to address the Fingerhut and eToys cases.

Resultant of nobody other than we here at Activist Post – willing to pay attention to Laser Haas’s whistleblowing – both Stage Stores and Fingerhut are, once again, in bankruptcy.

Our nation, Laser Haas and Activist Post need help in making sure that President Biden’s Administration puts the reins on Wall Street corruption.

Without the help of other alternative media outlets, we’ll need to do a follow up on Laser’s telltale book similar to Harry Markolpolos’s book that was titled – apropos – No One Would Listen.

Image: Michael D’Antuono Art

**By [@An0nkn0wledge](https://hive.blog/@an0nkn0wledge)**

Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post.

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Will Alternative Media Push Biden To Rein In Wall Street?