CHINA: Intel Briefing Reveals Swalwell Has No Place on House Intelligence Committee

Eric Swalwell, Fang Fang, House Intel Door

After a closed-door intel briefing by the FBI, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said a years-long sexual tryst with a now exposed spy for the Communist Chinese government should be grounds to have US Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), removed from the House Intelligence Committee.

The FBI briefed McCarthy and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), on the depth of Swalwell’s relationship with Christine Fang – or Fang Fang – a top-tier operative of the Communist Chinese intelligence apparatus who cozied up to Swalwell for years.

“No one that was in that room could walk out and say Eric Swalwell should be on the intel committee,” McCarthy said. “The one answer that I got out of that briefing was there is no way Eric Swalwell should continue to serve on the intel committee.”

McCarthy said he will seek to have every member of the House Intelligence Committee privileged to the “exact same” briefing as he and Pelosi were privileged to.

“Because if this individual is sitting on this committee,” McCarthy said, “they’ve got to know the background of what has gone on.”

Fang Fang was dispatched from China to “get next to” those she thought may be influential in both the state and federal government spheres. She injected herself into Swalwell’s inner circle as an activist and a fundraiser.

Fang and Swalwell eventually entered into a long-running sexual relationship. Establishing sexual relationships with their prey is a common tactic among Communist and Socialist espionage operatives.

Swalwell has refused to answer any questions about his lurid relationship with Fang.

“And that exact same year when the FBI came to brief the Intel Committee because they were concerned of what they saw, he gets put as the ranking Democrat over the CIA,” McCarthy exclaimed with incredulousness.

“I do not understand how this has continued this long,” McCarthy said. “And I would never, never allow him on that committee.”