Everything That Is Wrong with FOX News in One Brit Hume Tweet…

President Trump won a landslide election in November and had it stolen from him, by a guy hiding in the basement, hours after midnight, in at least five swing states.

The evidence of fraud is undeniable.

But the GOP elites, liberal fake news media, the tech giants, the Chinese and the cheating Democrats want President Trump to fold.

GOP elites are willing to wait for the next Republican to win in a landslide and maybe win the election.

Our GOP elites are not so bright.

Brit Hume of FOX News fame tweeted this out today.
Brit thinks President Trump is embarrassing himself.
Anyone who follows Brit Hume should not be so surprised by this tweet.
But it certainly reveals a level of thought at FOX News.

Catturd has the best response of many–

More reaction…

The post Everything That Is Wrong with FOX News in One Brit Hume Tweet… appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.