Boston Dynamics’ Robots Learn How To Dance In Creepy New Video

By Tyler Durden

On Tuesday, Boston Dynamics uploaded a video to YouTube of their robots creepily dancing to The Contours’ “Do You Love Me.”

The video shows Atlas, Spot, and Handle – Boston Dynamics’ top robots, performing moves choreographed to the music.

The dance starts with Atlas, a bipedal humanoid robot, dancing to the music, and before you know it, another Atlas joins in. Then out of nowhere, robodog Spot hops in and starts dancing with the crew.

About halfway through the video, Handle, a warehouse robot, slides into the frame – as everyone is getting down with the catchy tune.

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Tesla’s Elon Musk chimed in this morning after he watched the video. He tweeted:

“Snake-head dog had my undivided attention until winder-head ostrich came gliding through all nonchalant.”

Box CEO Aaron Levie tweeted:

“We’ve collectively learned nothing from sci-fi movies. This is definitely the moment we’re supposed to turn back.” 

The robots are impressive. They dance with remarkable accuracy, performing moves that only baby boomers would know how to do.

This is not the first time that the robotics company has demonstrated the dance capabilities of its machines. In 2018, it published a video titled “UpTown Spot,” where Spot got down with some funk.

Maybe the elaborate dance party was celebrating the recent acquisition of Boston Dynamics by Hyundai.

“This is the beginning of The Terminator,” one commentator said on YouTube.

Another said, “Only need to get a human skin then there goes backup dancers job.. welcome to the unemployed.”

Watch Full Video Here:

Also Read Activist Post’s Chronicle: The Evolution of Humanoid Robots

Source: Zero Hedge

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Boston Dynamics’ Robots Learn How To Dance In Creepy New Video