More American School Districts Providing Unsafe WiFi Hotspots for Remote Student Learning

By B.N. Frank

The U.S. government knew decades ago that exposure to cell phone and wireless “WiFi” radiation was harmful.  American Academy of Pediatrics and other health experts have been warning for many years that children were more vulnerable to it.  In fact, there are schools in the U.S. and worldwide that have already replaced WiFi with safer hard-wired internet to protect children and staff.

Because of COVID – schools worldwide have adopted remote learning.  High-speed internet can be accessed safely by using wired connections.  In Russia, the government banned the use of WiFi for remote learning due to exposure risks to children, whereas American school districts have provided students with WiFi enabled laptops and WiFi hotspots.  They have also set up WiFi hotpots inside school buses and parking lots.  Communities have installed public WiFi hotspots where there weren’t any before.  So in a nutshell – while schools and communities are taking extreme measures to protect children and everyone else from COVID – they are increasing everyone’s exposure to harmful radiation.

Here’s another example in Missouri:

Outdoor WiFi Project Complete

by Rachel Dickerson | December 31, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.

The McDonald County R-1 School District recently completed an outdoor WiFi project at all 10 of its campuses.

Director of technology Robin Leonard said the state of Missouri offered schools a Student Connectivity Access Grant to extend the schools’ WiFi outside the schools into the parking lots so that students may bring their Chrome Books or other devices to the schools and use the WiFi if they do not have internet access at home.

“We do have some students that don’t have efficient internet access at home,” Leonard said, noting the district had assigned some 75 to 80 wireless hot spots to students before the outdoor WiFi project.

He said the total cost for the outdoor WiFi project was almost $49,000, with the state paying half of that amount.

Leonard said the project went smoothly as far as installation. He said the equipment was ordered on Oct. 14 after it was approved at the October school board meeting, and then it took about three weeks to get the order in. Then he and his staff mainly had to run cables.

“It went pretty smooth for us. Once you put that equipment in, you’ve got to program it to make sure it’s working properly, and we’re there,” he said.

The project was finished around the end of November.

“We hope it does (help students), even if they’re able to come up after school hours on the weekends. … It kind of extends that school day. If they’re up against a deadline and they didn’t have internet, they don’t have to wait till Monday or that next day to get that project done. I hope it’s beneficial for them for sure.”

Superintendent Mark Stanton said, “I’m very excited for the increased access for students that our new extended WiFi system will provide at all of our school locations. It is a win-win for our students and families. I appreciate the state and the governor for making grant money available to school districts to make this happen.”

Since the World Health Organization warned that high levels of Electromagnetic exposure could lead to health issues in a significant portion of the population and WiFi is a source of Electromagnetic exposure – these school districts and communities don’t seem to be acting in the best interest of public health.  Got pets?  Exposure can affect them too.

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Adding insult to injury – despite increasing U.S. opposition and warnings, 5G is concurrently being installed in many American communities which also increases everyone’s radiation exposure (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).  Cities worldwide AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums due to health, safety, environmental and economic risks.  Americans opposed to 5G may sign a petition asking President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris to stop deployment.

Activist Post reports regularly about unsafe technology.  For more information visit our archives and the following websites:

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More American School Districts Providing Unsafe WiFi Hotspots for Remote Student Learning