EXPLOSIVE: Tea Party President Names Leaker, GOP Chair Confirms Leak From Raffensperger

In an exclusive interview with National File, Atlanta Tea Party President Debbie Dooley explained that a confidential informant came forward to her with information indicating that Georgia Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs was the individual who leaked the recorded phone call between President Donald Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to the Washington Post.

Additionally, Georgia Republican Party Chair David Shafer confirmed to National File that the leak originated in Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office, but was unable to confirm Fuchs is the leaker.

In the phone call, President Trump and attorneys discussed settlements of lawsuits and the issue of credible evidence of widespread voter fraud in the state of Georgia. Shortly after, the call was leaked to the Washington Post, who released a heavily edited version to the public, as National File reported.

On Twitter, Dooley claimed her informant told her that Raffensperger “approved it, but it was actually Jordan Fuchs that leaked it to the Washington Post.”

Speaking to National File, Dooley said “What other reason do you record a private conversation to discuss a settlement to lawsuits other than to harm the President of the United States? They both need to resign.”

Dooley also said the informant revealed that Fuchs has actually been “running” the Georgia Secretary of State’s office and “making the big decisions” so “Raffensperger could attend to his businesses.”

“The reason that Georgia’s election was such a fiasco is because you have a man that was elected Georgia’s Secretary of State that was not equipped, had no experience for the job, and he turned over the keys to the Secretary of State’s office to a 30-year old employee who’s only experience is being a political consultant,” said Dooley.

She added, “They did not stand up to Stacey Abrams. They did not stand up to Democrats. They showed cowardice and just gave them what they wanted in regards to the settlement. This whole election fiasco weighs at the foot of Brad Raffensperger.”

Similarly, Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer said on Twitter that the President has filed two lawsuits against Raffensperger, adding that the “audio published by @TheWashingtonPost is heavily edited and omits the stipulation that all discussions were for the purpose of settling litigation and confidential under federal and state law.”

National File contacted Shafer for further information. He explained that one of the lawsuits against Raffensperger was a “state action” filed on December 4. The second lawsuit by President Trump was filed on December 31.

“It was an election contest. Georgia law requires election contests to be heard within 20 days. Obviously more than 20 days have passed and that contest had yet to be assigned to a judge. So the purpose of the call was to try to resolve outstanding litigation,” said Shafer.

“We showed evidence of votes being cast in the names of voters who had passed away. We provided evidence of votes being cast by individuals who registered to vote after the deadline. We provided evidence of votes that appeared to be cast by individuals who are not on the voter registration role. But they haven’t assigned a judge, let alone held a hearing, or looked at the evidence.”

Additionally, Shafer told National File that while he is confident the leak came from Raffensperger’s office, he is unsure of the identity of the person behind the leak.

Many prominent Democrats, including Joe Biden, have claimed that the legal challenges regarding the evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election were found to be “without merit.” One major inconsistency about such claims, aside from the fact that the 2020 election remains contested in many swing states, would be the fact that many of these cases have been rejected on the grounds of standing, not merit, such as Senator Ted Cruz’ Texas Lawsuit, as National File reported.

“If you go to my Twitter feed, you have hundreds of people saying that there are no pending cases, which is just inaccurate. We have a pending election contest here in Georgia that has not been decided, not been heard, not even assigned to a judge,” said Shafer.

The leaked recording of the President’s phone conversation has been met with calls for the resignation of both Brad Raffensperger and Jordan Fuchs.