BREAKING: Capitol Building Evacuated, Senate Session Suspended As Patriots Breach Capitol

The Capitol Building has been evacuated, with the Senate ordered to shelter in place, as patriots breach the building with DC Police admitting they have lost control.

National File has been covering the ongoing mass civil unrest outside the Capitol Building in DC, following Mike Pence’s betrayal of President Trump in the Electoral College. Patriots, supporters of President Trump, have not stood for Pence’s actions, furious at his refusal to wield his constitutional power to reject Electors from states with serious irregularities.

Angry Americans have now broken through multiple police lines. The Blaze’s Elijah Schaffer described the scenes as “the craziest thing [he’s] ever seen” in his life, with the police being completely overrun.

After about an hour of battling outside, many patriots were able to finally breach the United States Capitol, where DC police said that they have “lost control” of the situation, unable to stop the angry crowds. Ethan Ralph, a livestreamer, described the scenes as being “historic unrest,” something that this country has never seen, certainly not in recent years.

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As a result of storming of the Capitol by the patriots, some in the Senate and House have been sheltering in place, with some being evacuated, including Mike Pence. Senate proceedings have been officially halted after the supporters of the President Trump got inside.

National File reported that the police are initiating violence against supporters of President Trump, with video footage showing punches being thrown at those supporting the President, flash bangs being set off, and tear gas and mace deployed into the crowds.

National File will continue to bring you coverage of the civil unrest outside the Capitol Building.