Capitol Police Order Lockdown of Capitol, House and Senate Buildings, Urge Those Outside to Seek Shelter

Capitol Police have issued a lockdown order for the entire Capitol Complex, telling Members, staff and press to not enter or exit buildings and advising those outside to seek shelter. The warning comes as thousands of Trump supporters have stormed Capitol Hill and battled with police on the West Front of the Capitol Building as Congress meets to certify the Electoral College vote for president.

Trump supporters clashed with Capitol Police, blood spilled on the steps of the West Front. Screen images via Kitty Boomhauer/Twitter.

Punchbowl News’ Jake Sherman, “Message in the Capitol from Capitol Police: “All buildings within the Capitol Complex,Capitol: External security threat, no entry or exit is permitted, stay away from exterior windows, doors. If outside, seek cover.”

Roll Call’s Caroline Brehman posted video from inside the Capitol of Trump supporters marching on Congress down Pennsylvania Avenue.

PBS News Hour’ Lisa Desjardins video clip from inside the Capitol at the East Front:

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