Summary of Chaos in D.C. as Capitol Building is Stormed

Zero Hedge


  • 100s of Pro-Trump protesters clashed with police after the president’s speech
  • A number of protesters breached security at The Capitol and are inside the building
  • The Capitol has been evacuated
  • VP Pence has been escorted from the Chamber to a secure location
  • 1000s are peacefully protesting outside
  •  President Trump urges protesters (via Tweet) to “Stay peaceful”
  • Washington DC Mayor orders 6 pm citywide curfew
  • DoD refuses to call DC official for National Guard deployment
  • Federal Protective Service, Secret Service Deploying To Capitol
  • President Trump Orders National Guard To Capitol To Restore Order 
  • Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Sends State Troopers To Capitol To Restore Order 

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Update (1602ET): Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has tweeted that he is “sending troopers to assist the Metropolitan Police Department and the United States Capitol Police.”

Hogan also said: “All Americans should be outraged by this attack on our nation’s Capitol. This is a heinous and violent assault on the heart of our democracy. I will not stand for this, and neither should any American.”

Update (1542ET): President Trump has ordered the National Guard to Capitol grounds to restore order.

Update (1533ET): Several media outlets are reporting one person was shot on Capitol grounds about 30 minutes ago.

AP is reporting one person was shot; CNN is reporting a woman was shot in the chest on Capitol grounds.

We are awaiting more information. 

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Update (1520ET): Within the past hour, President Trump has tweeted again, this time urging “everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful.”

Trump continued: “No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

Update (1512ET): More views of protesters on the Senate floor.


Just wow!

Summary of Chaos in D.C. as Capitol Building is Stormed