Videos: Trump Supporters Breach Security at Capitol Building, Clash With Riot Police

Trump supporters have violated several layers of security fencing at the Capitol building in Washington, DC, prompting clashes with riot police.

Some claim that the demonstrators are attempting to occupy the Capitol building.

“This is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Thousands, police can’t stop them,” tweeted Elijah Schaffer.

The confrontation happened after President Trump gave a speech to thousands at the March For Trump rally, which has brought together people from all over the country.

The scenes are no different from months of unruly protests by Black Lives Matter agitators, which the media described as “peaceful,” so presumably they’ll have no issue whatsoever with this.

In reality, the media has been hyping the threat of right-wing groups attending the march for weeks and will likely hyperventilate over the scenes, despite having supported similar behavior by BLM and Antifa activists for months.


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