POLL: SurveyMonkey Claims 74% of Americans Will Accept COVID Passport in US If Implemented

COVID Passport

As the government and government regulated industries continue to erase the freedoms of Americans in the name of “public health,” a new poll suggests that American citizens would gladly cede those freedoms if it meant unencumbered travel.

A recent poll published by the travel news website The Vacationer and conducted by SurveyMonkey found that 74 percent of Americans would be willing to subject themselves to a mandated COVID vaccination passport if it were to be introduced in the United States.

The findings are based on the polling of 520 Americans over the age of 18, with a +/- 5 percent margin of error.

Those who participated in the survey were posed this question: “If required for travel, would you agree to a COVID-19 Vaccine Passport or App so airlines and border authorities can check your vaccination status and COVID-19 test results?”

Just shy of three-quarters of the participants responded they would be willing to submit to the loss of medical information privacy if using such a document allowed them to freely travel and gain access to basic services.

Privacy advocates have raised concerns over the encroachment of personal privacy where medical information is concerned. They argue that travel restrictions would be just the beginning of a host of purposes for the passport citing its potential use for restricting employment and education opportunities.

The poll revealed that men are almost 8 percent more likely than women to subject themselves to a COVID vaccine passport requirement, with 77.73 percent of males willing to comply, compared to 69.96 percent of women.

The Vacationer calculated that, “based on the current census, the 74 percent figure represents nearly 188 million Americans aged 18 or older.”

“Three out of every four people would agree to documentation telling airlines and authorities their vaccine status and test results,” the website notes, adding “in an era of privacy concerns, this is an astoundingly high percentage.”