Biden Shuffles Away From Podium as Reporters Shout Questions Following Presser on Covid-19 Vaccine Plan (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Friday delivered remarks on his plans to distribute Covid-19 vaccines.

Biden melted down and condemned Republicans who weren’t wearing masks during the protest at the Capitol last week.

“It’s a matter of life and death,” Biden said during an angry outburst.


Biden struggled to walk away from the lectern after finishing up his presser.

Reporters shouted questions about next week’s inauguration and Biden rudely kept his back to the press as he barked a one word answer.

Look at Biden’s gait as he shuffles out of the press briefing room! Disturbing!


The post Biden Shuffles Away From Podium as Reporters Shout Questions Following Presser on Covid-19 Vaccine Plan (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.