Joe Biden Is Scheduled to Fly to Washington DC Tonight On a Private Plane Breaking Protocol

Joe Biden is reportedly flying to Washington DC tonight on a private plane. 

According to a CNN reporter, Joe Biden will fly to Washington DC today on a private aircraft.   This is another change in protocol for a President-elect:

It’s unknown if Biden was offered a government plane and he refused, or what.  Apparently this is standard for a president-elect to fly on a government plane.

The Biden Administration, never acknowledged by President Trump, is scheduled to participate in an inauguration tomorrow at noon in front of 25,000 troops.  No admirers are expected to come.  Biden was announced the winner of the election by the media in spite of numerous court cases and observations of fraud prevalent in the election.  His team is suspected of manufacturing millions of votes to claim the victory.  This has all been reported.  They used predominantly manufactured absentee ballots and voting machines built for rigging.

President Trump won more valid votes than any President in history.  It’s reported that he won 79 million votes to Biden’s 68 million.

Mike Lindell: “Joe Biden Lost on 79 Million Votes for Donald Trump and 68 Million for Joe Biden” (VIDEO)

But Big Media will not report the fraud and the truth and Big Tech made sure everyone knew Biden won while they censored even the President.

The state legislatures would not overturn the corrupt results in the swing states and the US Congress had no courage or integrity either.

Now Biden prepares for tomorrow’s Zoom inauguration and no one believes he won the election.

The next Administration is expected to start tomorrow.

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