SAVING HIMSELF TIME AND MONEY: AZ Governor Ducey Says He Won’t Run for US Senate in 2022 After Losing Red State to Democrats

Stupid, but not that stupid.
Governor Doug Ducey told the far-left New York Times this weekend that he does not intend to run for the US Senate race in 2022.

Ducey is famous for signing off on what many thousands of Arizonans believe was a fraudulent and stolen election in the state in November.

Arizona Lawmaker Says Gov. Ducey ‘Knowingly’ Signed a Fraudulent Document, Requests Recall For State’s Certification

There is currently an ongoing audit of the Maricopa County voting machines in Arizona

The Washington Examiner reported:

Doug Ducey said he won’t run for the Senate in 2022.

The Arizona governor has experienced criticism for certifying the results of his state’s election. This weekend, the Arizona Republican Party is expected to censure Ducey, Cindy McCain, and Jeff Flake.

“I’m not running for the United States Senate,” he told the New York Times. “It’s a no. I’m 100% focused on being the governor of the state of Arizona.”

When asked about the censure, Ducey responded, “I’ve given little to no time to thinking about that. I’ll stand by what I said before. I think we’re better and stronger as a party when we’re adding people rather than the alternative.”

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