NEW: Pentagon Halts Plan to Give Covid Vaccine to 40 Terrorists at Guantanamo Bay After Major Backlash

The Pentagon on Saturday announced it would be temporarily halting its plan to vaccinate 40 terrorists at Gitmo, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed after major backlash.

The Biden Administration was set to administer the coronavirus vaccine to terrorist suspects at the US Military Base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba as early as “next week,” according to multiple reports, while Americans wait for their chance to obtain the vaccine.

“The Pentagon will offer coronavirus vaccinations to inmates at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba by as soon as next week,” Fox News reported on Thursday, citing defense officials privy to the matter.

“The 40 prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay military prison will be offered vaccines ‘on a voluntary basis’ because consent is required to administer a treatment that has yet to receive full FDA approval,” it added.

9/11 vets blasted the Biden Admin on this week.

Ton Van Essen, who was the New York City Fire Commissioner during the 9/11 attacks called the Biden Admin’s move to innoculate terrorists at Gitmo ahead of Americans “f*cking nuts.”

“You can’t make this up,” he told the New York Post. “This ridiculousness of what we get from our government.”

“They will run the vaccine down to those lowlifes at Guantanamo Bay before every resident of the United States of America gets it is in the theater of the absurd.”

“It’s the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard,” former Ground Zero demolition supervisor John Feal told The New York Post.

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