Rep. Matt Gaetz: We Have the Votes to Remove Anti-Trumper Liz Cheney from GOP House Leadership

It should not have taken this long. It should have been immediate.

And it shows how disrespectful and tone-deaf the Republican Party is to their voters.

Trump-hater Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, serves as the Republican House Conference Chair – the third-highest Republican position in the US House of Representatives.

Two weeks ago Liz Cheney voted to impeach President Trump, without due process, on bogus charges, based on lies that he started a riot at the Capitol on January 6th. Liz announced her decision on House Conference Chair stationary.

By the following Wednesday Liz Cheney already had two primary opponents in her 2022 race.

Yet, despite President Trump’s record successes and popularity with the Republican base the House GOP leadership refuses to remove Liz Cheney as the Conference Chair.

But things are looking really bad for Liz Cheney. According to a new poll only 13% of Wyoming voters would currently vote to reelect the outspoken Trump critic.

On Wednesday morning Rep. Matt Gaetz told the Bannon War Room that Republicans in the House have the votes to remove Liz Cheney from leadership.

It shouldn’t have taken this long.

The post Rep. Matt Gaetz: We Have the Votes to Remove Anti-Trumper Liz Cheney from GOP House Leadership appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.