Case Studies of World Trade Center First Responders Reveal Effects of Toxins Combined with Electromagnetic Exposures

By B.N. Frank

According to research, exposure to toxins combined with exposure to wireless radiation and other Electromagnetic Fields (aka “Electrosmog”) is especially harmful.

…wireless and EMF radiation can synergistically increase the effect of these daily toxic exposures because of the ways in which wireless radiation alters the body’s natural functioning.

Case studies reveal that World Trade Center First Responders were adversely affected by both.

From Environmental Health Trust:

Case Studies of World Trade Center First Responders: The Synergistic Effects of EMF and Toxins


Dr. Iris Udasin’s presentation was given by Dr. Moe Mellion, due to a family emergency. Synergistic effects between known toxins and EMFs were described in this lecture including case studies of 9/11 survivors who developed glioblastomas following their exposures.

Iris Udasin, MD, Professor and Medical Director of Employee Health at Rutgers University Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute. Dr. Udasin directs studies of the 9/11 survivors from the World Trade Center disasters and holds a multi-year NIH grant that has linked WTC exposure and cancer.

Moe Mellion, MD, Board Chair, Environmental Health Trust; Past President of the American Academy of Family Physicians; Associate Medical Director, National Blue Cross Blue Shield Association; Chairman, National Council of Physician Executives.

July 31st, 2017  Teton County, Wyoming
Dialogue with the Doctors About Cell Phones, Wireless and Your Health:
A Scientific Update with Practical Recommendations

On July 31, 2017, the Environmental Health Trust hosted an expert symposium with renowned medical experts to present a scientific update on the health risks posed by cell phones and wireless, an overview of the World Health Organization International Agency for the Research on Cancer carcinogenicity classification of radiofrequency radiation and related international policy updates.

This interactive event expanded upon the Environmental Health Trust’s successful Expert Forum on Wireless and Health, organized in coordination with the Israel Institute for Advanced Study and the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at the Hebrew University in January 2017.

Watch the rest of the presentations here

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For many years, health experts have recommended that we all reduce our exposure to wireless radiation.  In addition to cell phones, common sources include activity trackers and other wearables (see 1, 2), Bluetooth, “Smart” home appliances and devices (see 1, 2, 3), utility “Smart” meters (electric, gas, and water), and WiFi routers.

Got pets? Exposure can affect them too.

Activist Post reports regularly about unsafe technology.  For more information, visit our archives.

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Case Studies of World Trade Center First Responders Reveal Effects of Toxins Combined with Electromagnetic Exposures