Uyghurs Who Survived China’s Concentration Camps Describe Gang Rapes With Electric Batons

Uyghurs, China, Concentration Camps

Ethic minorities, including Uyghurs and Kazakhs, who escaped the slave-producing concentration camps of China’s Xinjiang province, recall routine acts of gang rape at the hands of Chinese government agents, including the rape and torture of women using of electric batons.

Survivors of the Xinjiang concentration camps have testified to anyone who would listen for years to the systematic rape of Uyghur women.

Testimony in a new BBC report add new and shocking details as to the extent of the torture human beings suffered in the camps. A particularly grisly claim is that Chinese Communist guards use electric batons to rape women, electrocuting them from the inside.

One of the survivors interviewed by the BBC, Tursunay Ziawudun, said she endured nine months in a Xinjiang concentration camp and was subjected to torture and gang-rape on almost a daily basis.


The gang rapes of women occurred “every night,” she said. Other women were subjected to listening to the agonized screams of the tortured while they awaited their turn.

Ziawudun, who shared her personal experience, said, “The woman took me to the room next to where the other girl had been taken in. They had an electric stick, I didn’t know what it was, and it was pushed inside my genital tract, torturing me with an electric shock,” she explained.

“They don’t only rape but also bite all over your body, you don’t know if they are human or animal,” Ziawudun said. “They didn’t spare any part of the body, they bit everywhere leaving horrible marks. It was disgusting to look at.”

Qelbinur Sedik, an ethnic Uzbek, said she was an eye-witness to multiple “gang rape” sessions and regular electrocutions. She offered a corroborating testimony to Ziawudun’s, describing four kinds of electric torture: “the chair, the glove, the helmet, and anal rape with a stick.”

“[T]he rape has become a culture. It is gang rape and the Chinese police not only rape them but also electrocute them. They are subject to horrific torture,” Sedik said.

The Communist Chinese government has been these slave-producing operating concentration camps in Xinjiang since at least 2018. Xinjiang is China’s westernmost and largest region.

At its peak, human rights groups estimate that as many as 3 million people were imprisoned in these concentration camps. Today, the US government estimates that a population of just over 2 million people remain incarcerated.

The number of those prisoners declined after it was revealed that the Chinese Communist government was selling concentration camp inhabitants into slave labor; slaves for the factories nationwide that fuel its “stakeholder capitalist system”.

Beijing officials had the unmitigated gall to say the missing prisoners had simply “graduated” from the camps.

The Communist Chinese government has admitted to building and maintaining the camps, but they insist the camps – where inmates are gang raped and raped with electric batons – are “vocational training centers.”

They contend that members of the “local community” – a majority-Muslim ethnic community to include Uyghurs, can learn the trade skills they need to compete with Han Chinese counterparts in the modern Chinese economy.

Interesting to note is that the “stakeholder capitalism” that fuels the Communist Chinese economy – an economy that profits from a massive amount of slave labor and which produces that slave labor through torture to submission – is the same economic model being shopped by the World Economic Forum through that organization’s Great Reset. The Biden administration is a glowing advocate of the Great Reset.