40 Cowardly Republicans Refuse To Join Marjorie Taylor Greene In Her Attempt To Stop “COVID Relief” (Blue State Bailout) Bill From Passing House

Democrats are on the verge of passing the final 1.9 trillion dollar “COVID relief” bill. Many American citizens may be shocked to discover that the Blue State Bailout bill will help to alleviate the massive debt created by radical Democrat governors who locked down their citizens and destroyed their economies. The bill is poised to gift states $350 billion in aid and will also include a whopping $10 billion for local infrastructure projects and a new rule, making future student loan forgiveness programs tax-free.

100 Percent Fed Up reports:

Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn (TN) blasted the Blue State Bailout bill, telling Fox News:

For purely partisan reasons, this bill uses unemployment numbers to determine final state payouts and rewards failing blue states with the tax dollars of red states whose jobless rates didn’t spike as dramatically. Under this new formula, our home state of Tennessee will lose $164 million dollars; meanwhile, New York, New Jersey, and California will walk away with a combined gain of almost $9 billion.

In Tennessee, we’ve worked to protect both lives and livelihoods throughout the pandemic, and it’s paid off. We invested previous federal COVID relief dollars into our unemployment trust fund. We lifted statewide restrictions early to help businesses reopen, get people back to work, and return kids to their classrooms. 


Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) warns – The latest CBO report doesn’t pull any punches, the rapid expansion of the debt will  “increase the risk of fiscal crisis – that is, a situation in which investors lose confidence in the U.S. government’s ability to service and repay its debt, causing interest rates to increase abruptly, inflation to spiral upward…”

CBO further warns that this mountain of debt could cause the world to replace the dollar as the reserve currency.

By 2050, the CBO estimates that our national debt will equal 202% of our gross national product.  For years, fiscal conservatives, like myself have warned of the danger of having the national debt exceed 100% of the GDP but the CBO points out we are hurtling toward a time when our debt will be twice the size of the economy.

During a recent radio interview, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) blasted the COVID bill, saying that Republicans have to “stop the Democrats from burning down the country and ripping our freedoms out of our hands.”

One badass freshman US Rep. from Georgia who doesn’t believe in business as usual when it comes to representing her constituents isn’t giving up her fight to stop this pork-filled bill from passing.

The lawmaker Democrats love to hate is attempting to block the “COVID relief” bill by motioning to adjourn all business for the day.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene explained her actions on Twitter:

I just made a motion to adjourn to stop Congress from passing the $1.9 trillion dollar massive woke progressive Democrat wish list. The GOP has messaged against this ridiculous bill. We should do everything to stop it. Pay attention if Rs vote to adjourn. Or with the Dems.

She also called out 40 Republicans who voted with the Democrats to move forward with the devastating blue-state bailout, pork-filled “COVID relief” bill.

Democrat reps took to Twitter to whine about her badass move to stop their efforts:

While calling Greene’s actions unacceptable, David Cicilline, the nasty Democrat Rep. from Rhode Island, is proposing a rule that would strip Taylor-Greene of her power to move to adjourn, citing the decision by the House to strip her of her committee assignments over her views.


The post 40 Cowardly Republicans Refuse To Join Marjorie Taylor Greene In Her Attempt To Stop “COVID Relief” (Blue State Bailout) Bill From Passing House appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.