Biden Border Crisis: South Texas Migrant Facility at 729% of its Legal Capacity, Children Are Going Hungry and Only Showering Once a Week

Joe Biden’s border crisis is getting worse by the day.

Joe Biden reversed Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy, promised amnesty, and allowed unaccompanied migrant children into the US which caused a surge of illegal border crossings in the last several weeks.

Psaki still refused to call the border surge a “crisis” even though CNN is now calling the thousands of unaccompanied minors being kept in cages a “crisis.”

The White House also admitted Joe Biden made a policy decision, recognizing it would cause a surge in illegal immigration.

A South Texas migrant facility is now at 729% of its legal capacity and the unaccompanied children are going hungry and only showering once a week.

According to reports, more than 3,500 unaccompanied migrant children and teens are being held in CBP detention centers.

CBS reported:

A “staggering number” of migrant children detained at a Border Patrol facility in south Texas face overcrowded conditions, with some held for as long as seven days, lawyers who interviewed them on Thursday told CBS News.

Neha Desai, a lawyer representing migrant youth in U.S. government custody, said she interviewed children who said they were hungry, as well as minors who only showered once in seven days.

“Some of the boys said that conditions were so overcrowded that they had to take turns sleeping on the floor,” Desai added, citing interviews with nearly a dozen unaccompanied migrant children held at the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) holding facility in Donna, Texas.

On March 2, the Donna complex was holding more than 1,800 people — 729% of its pandemic-era capacity, which is designed for 250 migrants, according to an internal CBP document reviewed by CBS News.

Most of the minors said they had only showered once while in U.S. custody, even though they’d been held for more than five days, according to Desai. Some said they had showered twice.

The Biden White House continues to say there is no “crisis” at the border.

If unaccompanied migrant children were going hungry, sleeping on the floor of border facilities (cages) and only showering once a week during the Trump years, reporters would be lighting their hair on fire and calling for impeachment.

The post Biden Border Crisis: South Texas Migrant Facility at 729% of its Legal Capacity, Children Are Going Hungry and Only Showering Once a Week appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.