Find You a Man Who Looks at You with Dreamy Eyes Like George Stephanopoulos Swoons Over Joe Biden

George swoons over Joe

Find you a man who looks at you like George looks at Joe Biden.

George Stephanopoulos held a sitdown interview with Joe Biden.
ABC leaked a couple of segments including Joe’s alleged exchange with Vlad Putin.

Cristina Laila covered that nonsense here.

Two things are obvious from George’s interview with Joe Biden.
1.) George Stephanopoulos is willing to ignore Joe Biden’s decline and openly lie to the American public.
2.) George Stephanopoulos swoons over Joe Biden where he loathed President Trump.

The liberal mainstream media is not fooling anyone.

Here is George with Joe Biden.

And here is George with President Trump before the Trump vaccine was approved in record time.

Did Stephanopoulos ever apologize to Trump for this rancid exchange?

President Trump had the best foreign policy and economic policy of any president in the last century.
But the fake news media hated him and NEVER once reported on Trump’s amazing record.

Now the fake news is willing to exchange their last bit of credibility to pump up this corrupt and demented patient to that same American public.
Our mainstream media is evil.

The post Find You a Man Who Looks at You with Dreamy Eyes Like George Stephanopoulos Swoons Over Joe Biden appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.