5G Opponents in Bermuda Ask Gov’t to Stop Using Outdated and Insufficient RF Guidelines from the FCC and ICNIRP

By B.N. Frank

Last year 5G opposition in Bermuda led to a temporary moratorium on deployment.  But the fight is far from over and citizens are demanding protection from 5G and other sources of harmful wireless radiation.

From The Royal Gazette:

Campaigners call for 5G moratorium

A campaign group set up to fight the introduction of 5G wireless said “real consultation” was needed and that the technology should be kept on hold in the meantime.

A spokeswoman for Bermuda Advocates for Safe Technology challenged the findings of an advisory panel, which it claimed was not qualified and was made up of industry representatives.

The spokeswoman said: “Most of the feedback submitted to the Regulatory Authority was against 5G with over 100 letters submitted from the public.

“We must have a real consultation – a transparent, unbiased process whose outcome drives the approach to radio frequency radiation policy.”

The spokeswoman added that the island was the “wild west” when it came to radio frequency radiation as there was no minimum setback from homes or schools.

She said: “Bast’s position, and that of the several health experts who submitted on our behalf, is that the moratorium on 5G should be upheld.”

The advisory panel’s preliminary report, released last month, found that radiation safety science did “not support the view that 5G will be harmful to people” or to the island’s plant or animal life.

But Bast said the decision was based on “conflicted and industry-biased sources” and guidelines issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, which they claimed had lobbied for corporate interests to protect the industry.

The spokeswoman added: “The preliminary report contains no protection for vulnerable populations such as those who are unwell, have EMF sensitivity or children who cannot consent.

“Exposure is unavoidable, contravening the Human Rights Act.

Read full article

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect the public by regulating the telecom industry.  It has failed to do so for decades (see 1, 2, 3, 4).  During the Trump administration lawsuits were filed against the agency for NOT protecting the public from unsafe levels of cell phone and WiFi radiation as well as 5G on Earth (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and in space.

In January there was a hearing for one of the lawsuits and judges were NOT impressed with the FCC’s defense (see 1, 2, 3).  Regardless, the agency continues to make shameful decisions that put the public at grave risk.  This includes approving the “OTARD” rule which allows property owners to install 5G antennas on their homes (see 1, 2).

The majority of scientists worldwide oppose 5G.  Cities worldwide AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums.

Since 2018 there have been reports of people and animals suffering from new symptoms and illnesses where 5G has been installed (see 1. 2, 3, 4).  Of course other sources of wireless emit harmful radiation too.  In 2019 the World Health Organization warned that high levels of Electromagnetic Radiation exposure (aka “Electrosmog”) could lead to health issues in a significant portion of the population.  A petition was recently launched asking the organization to establish more protective universal EMF and RF exposure limits.

Activist Post reports regularly about 5G and other unsafe technology.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

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5G Opponents in Bermuda Ask Gov’t to Stop Using Outdated and Insufficient RF Guidelines from the FCC and ICNIRP