American Bus-Riding Students Required to Carry RF ID Tags So If One Tests Positive for COVID, School Can Contact Families

By B.N. Frank

Government, independent and industry funded research has determined that exposure to RadioFrequency (RF) Radiation can at least increase cancer risk (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) as well as make us vulnerable to other health issues (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).  Common sources of RF include cell phones and other sources of wireless “Wi-Fi” radiation.

In the U.S., legal action has been taken against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for not protecting Americans from unsafe levels of RF as well as 5G on Earth (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and in space (see 1, 2).

RF safety tests are still performed on “SAM,” a plastic mannequin.  For many years now, doctors and scientists have warned that testing on “SAM” doesn’t protect people of any age. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and other health experts have warned that children are particularly vulnerable to exposure.

Nevertheless, tech and telecom companies continue to market RF emitting devices to be used by American children (see 1, 2) as well by schools (see 1, 2, 3).  This now includes RF tracking devices for students who ride the bus in one Georgia school district.

From CBS News:

Learning what it takes to bring students back to school amid the pandemic

Schools in Marietta, Georgia, have stayed open through some of their community’s highest periods of coronavirus infection. John Dickerson reports on how the CDC studied coronavirus transmission within the city’s schools.

At West Side Elementary School, partitions separate the desks. In class, everyone must wear a mask, some students attend virtually.

Facilities are constantly being cleaned, and ventilation systems have been upgraded. Even returned library books must sit in quarantine before going back on the shelves.

Students who ride buses carry radio frequency identification tags so that if one tests positive, the school district can contact families of those who sat close by.

Grant Rivera: We’ve had situations where we’ve had 60 close contacts for one positive case: So we have an entire team — in three different languages, who are available on a moment’s notice. And, literally, we pull the seating charts, we pull the rosters. And then we immediately start notifying families.

Students who might have been exposed to the virus must quarantine for seven to ten days, disrupting their lives and their family’s all over again.

Read full article

A petition has been launched asking the World Health Organization (WHO) to establish more protective universal EMF and RF exposure limits.

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American Bus-Riding Students Required to Carry RF ID Tags So If One Tests Positive for COVID, School Can Contact Families