Muslim Brotherhood Front Group calls EU Counter-Terrorism Programs to Stamp Out Violent Extremism “Racist” and “Islamophobic”

In March, Gateway Pundit reported on how the EU invited a representative of the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), which is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, to speak at the “European Anti-Racism Summit” and incite against Jewish organizations in the name of “combating hate speech”. In a new report, the purported Muslim Brotherhood front group seeks to undermine the EU’s efforts to fight terrorism, calling them “racist” and “Islamophobic”.

By Richard Abelson

In August 2020, Gateway Pundit revealed how the EU funds Islamist groups with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, including ENAR, with €36.5 million 2014-2019. The EU financed ENAR from 2014-2019 with a total of €5,422,678, whose members include the “Forum of European Muslim Youth & Student Organizations” (FEMYSO). FEMYSO is a front organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, the German Bundestag Research Service wrote in 2015.

An EU Parliamentary query by MEP Mathilde Androuët (Identity & Democracy group) called ENAR a “front organization” of George Soros’ Open Society. ENAR received €706,015 from Open Society 2016-2018. .

Several leading figures of ENAR are close to the Muslim Brotherhood and related Islamist organizations, such as council member Intisar Kherigi, daughter of Rached Ghannouchi, co-founder of the Ennahdha party, the Tunisian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. ENAR boss Michaël Privot was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood until 2008.

ENAR Senior Advocacy Officer Julie Pascoët previously worked for Islamic Relief Worldwide, an NGO which is banned in Israel and the United Arab Emirates as a terrorist organization due to its ties to Hamas. In August 2020, Islamic Relief Worldwide director Heshmat Khalifa had to resign after the London Times revealed Arabic antisemitic tweets, including calling Jews “grandchildren of monkeys and pigs” and calling Egypt’s president a “Zionist pimp”. The entire board of Islamic Relief UK had to step down.

In 2020, Sam Westrop of the Middle East Forum revealed the Obama administration had paid a $200,000 grant to Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) Sudan in 2014, even though ISRA was designated as a terror-financing organization and has ties to Al Qaeda.

ENAR Impact and Process Officer Mahmoud AbuRahma is a Palestinan activist from Gaza, who has worked for NGO Al Mezan Center, which has close contacts to the terrorist organizations Hamas and PFLP, according to NGO Monitor. PFLP staffers were charged with the bombing at Ein Buven in Samaria on August 23, 2019, which killed 17-year-old Rina Shnerb. Al Mezan is funded by the EU, European countries and Open Society Foundations (OSF).

ENAR has now published the report Suspicion, Discrimination, and Surveillance: The impact of counter terrorism law and policy on racialised groups at risk of racism in Europe (read the Report Summary here), which argues that European efforts to fight terrorism amount to ”Racism“ and “Islamophobia.” The so-called “scientific” study begins with its conclusions, does not attempt to question them or examine alternate hypotheses, and ignores all evidence to the contrary, such as the widespread tendency in media and politics to downplay any Islamic roots of terrorism and reflexively ascribe every act of possible Islamic terrorism to “mental issues”, such as in the recent attack by a Syrian Muslim which killed 10 in Boulder, Colorado.

The thoroughly one-sided and scientifically useless report was authored by one Prof. Tufyal Choudhury of Durham University, who was “Senior Policy Advisor” of the Open Society Foundations 2006-2015, where he specialized in “research and policy advocacy in relation to Muslims and Somali in Europe. On February 3, 2021 Choudhury spoke for Open Society Initiative for Europe  on “A Human Rights Guide for Researching Racial and Religious Discrimination in Counterterrorism in Europe.”

In other words, a possible Muslim Brotherhood and Open Society front organization with ties to terrorist organizations is receiving EU tax Euros to undermine the EU’s counter-terrorism strategy as “racist” and “Islamophobic.” Watch for this tactic to spread to the US under the Biden administration, just as it was used in the Obama administration.

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