There are Two Reasons Why Democrats Claim ID Requirement for Mail-in Voting Is Racist; Neither is Admirable

Guest post by Elizabeth Vaughn at The American Crisis

Every politician, journalist and CEO who makes the claim that it’s racist for a state to require an ID from mail-in voters must answer the following question: HOW is it racist?

Affordability is not an option because most, if not all, states provide free photo IDs for any resident who requires one. So, what is the reason?

Do they believe that blacks and other minorities aren’t smart enough to figure out how to obtain an ID?

The position that requiring an ID in order to cast an absentee ballot is too onerous or too complicated for blacks and other minority groups to navigate is itself racist.

Am I wrong? Then please explain why I’m wrong.

The second, and far more likely reason, is that an ID requirement makes it more difficult to commit voter fraud. Each eligible voter receives one vote. Ineligible voters receive zero votes.

The provision of a state issued number on a ballot limits that voter to one vote, rather than two or more votes.

Many of us recall a video recorded late on Election Night at State Farm Arena in Fulton County, Georgia. After most of the poll workers had been dismissed for the night, a small group of workers are seen pulling cases of ballots out from under a table (with a floor-length tablecloth). This video went viral in early December.

Attempts by Democrats to debunk this video failed, but unfortunately, the issue faded from the news before it was ever resolved.

“At that time, Georgia State Republican Chairman David Shafer and President Donald Trump had filed a criminal complaint in state court regarding tens of thousands of votes that they say were fraudulent.

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway published a list of those problematic votes:

Trump and Shafer allege, for example, that votes came from:

  • 2,560 felons,
  • 66,247 underage registrants,
  • 2,423 people who were not on the state’s voter rolls,
  • 4,926 voters who had registered in another state after they registered in Georgia, making them ineligible,
  • 395 people who cast votes in another state for the same election,
  • 15,700 voters who had filed national change of address forms without re-registering,
  • 40,279 people who had moved counties without re-registering,
  • 1,043 people who claimed the physical impossibility of a P.O. Box as their address,
  • 98 people who registered after the deadline, and, among others,
  • 10,315 people who were deceased on election day (8,718 of whom had been registered as dead before their votes were accepted).”

Biden won the state of Georgia by just under 12,000 votes. It’s not crazy to think that, had voter ID laws been in place and/or not broken, that President Trump may have prevailed.

Issues over who was eligible to vote, and more importantly, who was not, arose in all of the swing states after the election.

Did these issues affect the final outcome of the National election? Very possibly.

For as long as the debate over voter-ID has persisted, Democrats have labeled those of us who believe every voter must show an ID as racists.

This week, the CEO of Delta Airlines offered his opinion on this issue. On Friday afternoon, American Airlines weighed in. Can we expect to hear from the CEO of United later today?

These men seem to think their opinion matters. If they feel the need to involve themselves in this debate, they too, should be asked to explain.

It’s not enough to declare that voter-ID laws are racist. The question is how are they racist?

And the answer boils down to one of two possibilities. Either they doubt the intelligence or the initiative of minority voters or because voter ID laws limit fraud. I am strongly convinced it’s the latter.



Bio: Elizabeth is the founder and editor of The American Crisis. She is a current contributor to Newsmax and The Western Journal and a previous contributor to RedState, The Dan Bongino Show, and The Federalist. Her articles have appeared on HotAir, Instapundit, RealClearPolitics, MSN and other sites. Elizabeth is a wife, a mom to three grown children and several beloved golden retrievers, and a grandmother!

The post There are Two Reasons Why Democrats Claim ID Requirement for Mail-in Voting Is Racist; Neither is Admirable appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.