FLASHBACK: Antifa Rioters Get Wrecked By Trump Supporters On ‘Friday Night ANTIFA Smackdown’

Infowars host Owen Shroyer narrated “Friday Night ANTIFA Smackdown” during the seemingly endless Black Lives Matter riots last year, creating a series of comedy videos featuring violent Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters on the renowned “War Room” program.

In first video montage, titled “Friday Night ANTIFA Smackdown Episode 1,” Shroyer provides play-by-play analysis of Antifa violence during a pro-Trump event in Portland, Oregon. “Folks we’re live here, Friday Night ANTIFA Smackdown, and the commies are out in Portland as you can see, disrupting normal human behavior,” said Shroyer.

An Antifa protester is seen harassing Trump supporters, then proceeds to get beat up by a large, brave Trump supporter who is clearly fed up with the communist nonsense. “Oh! A right hook, a second right hook, and the freedom hook drops the commie!” announced Shroyer as bells ding, signifying a huge defeat for the Antifa militants. The clip is then analyzed again in slow motion for the viewers.

In another clip, a man Shroyer nicknamed “Patriot Bob” utterly demolishes a skinny jeans-wearing Antifa militant after he was seen antagonizing another Trump supporter in a green shirt. “Here you can see the commie on the scooter ask for some trouble, and he gets it,” said Shroyer. “And BOOM, Patriot Bob says goodnight dirty commie as he screams for mommy in the streets!”

“Well that does it for Friday Night ANTIFA Smackdown live! Come back next Friday, where surely the dirty commies will be smashed again!” Shroyer said at the end of the episode.

The second episode, narrated again by Shroyer, features more clips of Antifa being violent, immediately dealing with the consequences of their actions. In one of the clips, Antifa and BLM rioters are seen blocking the streets of New York City when a car plows through the crowd to safety. “Most people are fleeing New York City because of these Antifa terrorists,” explained Shroyer. “But if you’re going to stay in New York, you better get a grill guard on your car. As you can see, this driver, very smart. That is high quality, very well done.”

In another clip, an Antifa member is seen urinating on a citizens Trump sign in his yard, only to be greeted with frozen paint balls from the homeowner. The culprit then flees the scene as he faces a flurry of painful rounds from the paintball gun. “Now you can see an Antifa peeing on a Trump sign and oh, he’s going to regret that. Getting lit up now by frozen paint balls!” said Shroyer.

Just when viewers thought the video was over, Shroyer surprised his audience with bonus footage featuring an Antifa militant who appeared to have lit himself on fire after failing to attack police with a Molotov cocktail. The individual appears to prance like a horse as he runs away from the flames. “As you can see, tip-toeing the sidelines, they call this one the Hot Foot,” said Shroyer. “And he’s hopping to the ten, and he’s hopping to the five, and he goes down into the endzone. He’s got his buddies now, they’re trying to stomp out the gasoline fire. I’m sorry, that’s not going to work, as the police stand by and laugh at the dumbass commie before the come in to save his life.” The videos were initially released on banned.video but can also be viewed on YouTube.

Americans can expect more leftist violence in their cities as the nation reels from ongoing race riots over the death of Duante Wright, who had an arrest warrant for attempted aggravated robbery charges and reportedly repeatedly choked a woman at gunpoint in an effort to make her give him $820, as National File reported. 

The Daily Mail reported Tuesday that Wright was detained due to expired license plates, not because of “air freshener” as his mother and BLM activists have claimed.

Furthermore, Wright had an active arrest warrant issued on his name for charges of attempted aggravated robbery, after allegedly demanding $820 in rent money from a woman at gunpoint.