ARIZONA: Former Secretary of State Speaks at Maricopa Audit Press Conference, Reveals Audit on Track for Completion Date

Ken Bennett, the former Arizona Secretary of State, spoke at a press conference on Tuesday, revealing that the Maricopa County forensic audit is on track, approaching around 100,000 votes counted so far.

Bennett, who is currently acting as a liaison between the Arizona Senate and the Florida-based organization Cyber Ninjas who is handling the forensic audit of the Maricopa County 2020 election results, spoke at the press conference on Tuesday afternoon, in what turned out to be an effort of debunking leftist allegations attacking the audit. “This is about wrong and right, and we want to be on the side of right,” Bennett said, noting that the ballots have had 24/7 armed security since the beginning of the audit, and confirmed that no voters could be identified, something the Democrats had previously claimed.

“We’re going to be able to tell every Arizonan in a few weeks that they have complete trust and integrity in their elections, or we have some parts of the election that needs to be improved,” Bennett said, noting that the Secretary of State in Arizona would do a similar process every two years. “There’s nothing about this audit that has anything to do with trying to overturn the 2020 election,” he added. “It’s only about how to make elections better going forward.”

The former Secretary of State was joined by John Brakey, a progressive Democrat and election integrity expert in Arizona who has been supporting the audit. Brakey explained how that this was the first audit, not the third or fourth as some media had claimed. Previous so-called “audits” amounted to checking batches of ballots that had been pre-selected beforehand, with the “logic and accuracy” tests only confirming that everything had been working at the time. Brakey compared the latter to the car emissions test that Volkswagen had faked up to 2015.

READ MORE: Trump Demands National Guard in Arizona as Legal Action Continues Against Maricopa Audit

Bennett confirmed that the number of votes tabulated was approaching around 100,000, and that they would be on track to complete the audit by May 14th, the expected end date. “Improvements are being made every day,” Bennett added. Everything related to the audit will also be released in a report that should come out in around 50 days.

Members of the press asked Brakey and Bennett why some of the ballots were examined with UV lights in the Maricopa audit. Brakey noted that they were looking for a “lot of things,” and that they would debunk many allegations posited by people:

We’re doing a lot of unghosting here of people who believe strange things. I know if there was something done it would have been done by their secret software that we vote on, and it could be a fractional attack… We should all have a whole vote, and it’s one vote, and it should be counted as one. Not 3/5ths of a vote, not 4/5ths of a vote, a whole vote.

The press were also slammed by Bennett, after one reporter criticized them for not allowing press with cameras in at previous points, despite the audit being live streamed. “When we allowed the press in there one day, all evidence is that somebody propped the door open and others came in and walked around the building, talking about how easy it was to get in the building,” Bennett said, but added that the press are now in watching the audit at every shift.

The audit in Maricopa continues at the time of writing. A hearing has been set for Wednesday with Judge Daniel Martin, who took over the case from Judge Coury. National File reported Monday that Martin is a Democrat appointee who worked for a firm that merged with Perkins Coie, the pro-Democrat powerhouse firm that is trying to shut down the Maricopa County audit.