Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food to Track Supply Chain?

By Ice Age Farmer

Spraying your food with genetically modified spores with custom DNA sequences in order to trace it through the global supply chain sounds like science fiction, but one company funded by SOSV — the same VC behind ‘food replacement’ companies like Memphis Meats, Finless Foods, and NotCo — has made it a reality, and is already testing its technology.

Biological barcodes and resource tracking is clearly an integral part of the blockchain/AI supply chain being rolled out as part of The Great Reset. But what happens when you eat them? Christian breaks down Aanika and their technology in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.


The Aanika talk via “Please Stop the Ride” channel:

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Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food to Track Supply Chain?