Democrat Reporter Makes Case That Mitch McConnell Stole 2020 Victory With Corrupt Voting Machines

Liberal reporter Alison Greene makes the case that Senator Mitch McConnell and other Republicans stole their 2020 victories with corrupt voting machines as Democrats continue to push back against efforts for a forensic audit of the 2020 election.

In a Twitter post, liberal reporter Alison Greene criticized Senator Mitch McConnell’s “surprising” 2020 election victory, citing allegedly corrupt voting machines just two days before both parties in Congress certified the “most secure election in US history,” ushering in the Joe Biden presidency on January 6.

As election experts pointed out the suspicious discrepancies which arose from the use of Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) machines in states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia, which Greene vehemently disputes, her report points to the use of Election Systems & Software (ES&S) machines in states like Kentucky, South Carolina, Maine, Texas, Iowa and Florida.

“McConnell had his biggest percentage of registered Democrats voting Republican in counties using ES&S machines. But he wasn’t the only senator to perform so well. Other Republican incumbents, whom polls indicated would have close races, had similar luck to their majority leader on Election D8thay.

Lindsey Graham’s race in South Carolina was so tight that he infamously begged for money, yet he won with a comfortable 10% lead—tabulated on ES&S machines throughout the state. In Susan Collins’ Maine, where she never had a lead in a poll after July 2, almost every ballot was fed through ES&S machines. Kentucky, South Carolina, Maine, Texas, Iowa and Florida are all states that use ES&S machines. Maybe the polls didn’t actually get it wrong.”

Despite pointing out the obvious discrepancies arising from the use of electronic voting machines, Greene still believes that “Republicans spout unfounded claims that Democrats stole the election.” However, Green pointed out that “when Trump calls this the most fraudulent election in our history, maybe he knows of what he speaks,” meaning that Republicans actually stole the election, not Democrats.

“When Trump says “look over here” at Dominion voting machines, maybe we should look at ES&S machines instead,” wrote Greene, who ought to know that a majority of Republicans would surely welcome a forensic audit of the 2020 election in their state as they believe the election was widely fraudulent.

While Greene clearly targeted Republican victories in her biased piece, in which she refers to President Donald Trump as “pussy-grabber Donald Trump,” the biggest takeaway would be underlying concerns regarding election security in the US, which currently remains at the forefront of the America First discussion. Unfortunately for Greene, it appears that a majority of her fellow Democrat voters overwhelmingly reject a full examination of the 2020 election, as seen in Arizona. 

“The results showed that 90% of surveyed Democrats oppose the audit, and 78% of surveyed Republicans support it.”

As her report makes clear that some Democrats are questioning the legitimacy of 2020 election results, perhaps they could heed the advice of Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, who described the Arizona audit in Maricopa County as the “gold standard that can be used in other states where there are questions about election integrity,” adding that audits “should be more mainstream, and used more often as a check and balance,” noting that the Founding Fathers would have supported it, as National File reported.