Americans who have seen their former countries be taken over by communists warn Americans of what happens in Communist regimes.
We wanted to take a moment and share the story of one American in New Hampshire, Chau Kelley, a political refugee from Communist Viet Nam, who has been a part of the large, very determined, and very vocal group of patriots in Windham and throughout New Hampshire who fought hard for an audit of that town’s 2020 election. Given the inadequate and even unethical outcome of that audit, these same patriots, and now even more of them, have begun the fight to have the entire state of New Hampshire’s elections forensically audited.
Recognizing that honest and trustworthy elections are not only worth fighting for, it is essential that we do so to protect and preserve the Republic, these everyday Americans in the Town of Windham, New Hampshire, like those in Maricopa County, Arizona, Fulton County, Georgia, Antrim County, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and elsewhere, have all taken to the battlefield in their home towns against corrupted elected officials including governors, secretaries of state, attorney generals, county boards of supervisors and selectmen, federal, state & county election officials and even one county sheriff.
We have woken up. We now recognize that there is a concerted attack, from within, against our own American election infrastructure. We now realize that our freedom is, indeed, a very precious thing and that the liberty and rights which we take for granted can be taken from us.
Nick Moseder is a citizen journalist who traveled to Windham, New Hampshire, and who has provided innovative, on-the-ground interviews we would never have seen but for his skill and determination to out the truth.
Here is the moving and compelling interview of Chau Kelley who lived through the Communist take-over of her country and whose family fled that country, Viet Nam, to come to America. Her father, a Marine captain, was a prisoner-of-war of the Communists for seven years.
Burned in her memory is the actual date the Communists took over her home country.
This interview took place outside the Cross Training Center on the New Hampshire National Guard campus in Pembroke, New Hampshire a little over a week ago, on Saturday, May 22, 2021. (See below beginning at 1:36.44).
May this serve as a reminder here on Memorial Day, that if you don’t protect and defend your freedoms, your beautiful country, and its sovereignty, your sweet land of liberty – against all enemies, foreign and domestic – you could lose them all.
We know what it’s like to lose the country to Communism, on April 30, 1975. And when you lose your country to the Communists you lose everything, including your soul, because Communists means they believe in no God. So, they have no fear whatsoever, just like the Communists in this country…
…We have to stand up and fight and defend our freedom here in this country because America is the last frontier for freedom for the whole world. America is the last hope for the whole world.
Chau Kelley, Pembroke, New Hampshire, May 22, 2021
Here is Chau Kelley’s YouTube channel:–MAwGg
Here is Chau’s Facebook channel:
Here is Chau’s Facebook Level5media channel:
Here are Nick Moseder’s Rumble and You Tube Channels:
God Bless American Patriots Today.
The post New Hampshire Citizen Chau Kelley Fights for Fair Elections Today “Because We Know What It’s Like to Lose the Country to Communism” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.