AOC Attacks The ‘Republican Base’ For Resisting ‘Racism’ Propaganda And ‘Denying Juneteenth’

Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacked the “Republican base” for the sensible half of the country’s resistance to constant anti-white “racism” propaganda, and for “denying Juneteenth,” an anti-white holiday that the federal government is spending its time making official instead of solving any problems for Americans.

As NATIONAL FILE reported: Juneteenth, the June 19 holiday even the New York Times admits most Americans had no idea existed, celebrates the emancipation of African American slaves. Despite only 7% of Republicans wanting the day to become an official National Holiday, and a stunning number of Americans having no idea the day existed, the majority of House Republicans – including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz – voted to codify the holiday.

In fact, all but 14 House Republicans voted for the bill to make it a National Holiday. The New York Times openly suggests this is a product of the riots from 2020, which saw virtually every major American city gripped by civil unrest, riots, looting, and wanton violence for weeks following the death of fentanyl user and alleged fraudster George Floyd. Notably missing from the list of House Republicans who voted against the bill are Gaetz and Greene.

USA Today reveals that several House Republicans who are generally recognized as America First supporters of President Donald Trump’s agenda voted against the bill. These include Reps. Mo Brooks, Andy Biggs, and Paul Gosar. Again, many noted they expected Gaetz and Greene to be among these names.

Other Republicans who voted against the legislation include Reps. Scott DesJarlais, Tom Tiffany, Doug LaMalfa, Mike Rogers, Ralph Norman, Chip Roy, Tom McClintock, Matt Rosendale, Ronny Jackson, and Andrew Clyde.

Quoted by Newsweek, Gab CEO Andrew Torba wrote, “Rep. Paul Gosar and Rep. Thomas Massie voted against making Juneteenth a federal holiday. Based. He added,”Matt Gaetz and MTGO voted for it. Cringe. The absolute state of America First.”

The vote appears to be an opportunity for some lesser known America First Republicans to make their beliefs known, while the majority of the Republican Party – including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy – followed the Democrats’ lead. Rosendale wrote, “I voted against a bill that would make Juneteenth National Independence Day a federal holiday. One of 14 Republicans to do so.” He added, “This legislation is the culmination of decades of efforts by the Left to prevent unashamed celebrations of our national story, heritage, and history.”