Maria Espinoza: Biden-Harris Cancel Latina, Angel Mom Initiative, Continue Attacks on Latino Communities

A mindless and heartless Biden- Harris Administration cancels Trump’s program to assist The Remembrance Project’s grieving Angel Families, whose loved ones were violently killed by illegal aliens.

The Biden-Harris administration’s prejudice against and hostility toward U.S. citizens, especially persons of color, was no more clearly on display than when, earlier this week, the administration announced that it would greatly alter the Office of V.O.I.C.E. (Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement), which was conceived in 2015 by this Latina and others with “America First Latinos” (an initiative of in order to assist Americans whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens. Read Latinos’ letter to all governors.

In response to the Latinos’ request and in keeping his promise to this author, President Donald Trump created the Office of V.O.I.C.E. in 2017, which provided vital information to victimized American families on the potential release of their loved ones’ killers, as well as to help victim families to navigate through a complex judicial system, rigged toward helping the illegal alien killers, rather than assisting victimized citizens.

Biden’s planned destruction of Latino/of Color Communities.

The Biden’s Transition Team partook in over 200 meetings with federal agents along the southern border. They knew exactly what would happen if they canceled President Trump’s immigration policies that greatly reduced crime and illegal crossings, giving much relief to the majority Latino population living along the border. Exactly what Biden was told would happen, is happening – a huge influx of illegal aliens.

The planned border crisis is taking an enormous toll on Latino Communities. Crime has exponentially spiked, school lockdowns are terrorizing children – the majority of whom are Latino children, bail-outs are taking place in downtown plazas of small once-quiet towns, the gotaways – those that most likely have criminal records in their countries are making their way to unassuming residential communities, criminal trespassers wandering about and knocking on doors at all hours of the day, the depletion of resources which should be utilized by tax-paying citizens in need, all of the aforementioned are devastating to these already impoverished communities struggling to survive.

The border invasion is no laughing matter to Americans.

More evidence of the intentional infliction of such cruelty is Vice President Kamala Harris’ refusal to visit the border and address this crisis. In fact, Harris only announced a plan to visit the border after President Trump announced his own plans to visit. Harris’s cackling laughter of a response when asked if she plans to visit the border is a sign of this administration’s disdain and disrespect. I assure you, this is no laughing matter to Latinos.

Clearly, Biden is enriching his uber-rich donors at the expense of America’s poor, millions of whom are minority Blacks and Hispanics. His new anti-persons-of-color program to assist illegals to invade America in a scale never seen before exposes a deeply rooted prejudice and a racist mentality, because, assuming he remembers this; unskilled illegals hurt America’s unskilled working poor and small business owners more than any other demographic in America.

Latinos who are bearing the brunt of Biden-Harris’ attacks speak out.

Under Biden, the border is wide open, giving illegal aliens’ unfettered access into the United States. Nearly two (2) million illegal aliens have invaded America between January and May of this year. Sheriff Joe Martinez, Val Verde County,stated that crime dropped to “nothing” after President Trump’s border wall was installed and the federal government began its enforcement of our existing immigration laws. Under Biden, the sheriff also added that the Mexican cartels are raking in $25 million a week on human smuggling in Val Verde and Maverick Counties.

Angel Mom Marie Herrera Vega, who resides near the border, said, “As a mother of Fallen Border Patrol Agent Javier “Harvey” Vega, Jr., who was murdered by illegal aliens, Biden-Harris’ act of such dishonor to our loved ones is a slap in the face. I especially take it personally as a Latina whose family entered the U.S. the right way. Biden diligently works to protect illegal aliens with a total disregard for the people they should be working for and protecting. This is a knife in our hearts by an administration which shows such hatred toward American families. It’s simply beyond comprehension. I have no words to describe the devastation we feel.”

Frank Lopez, Jr., a Del Rio ordained chaplain and retired Border Patrol stated, “Val Verde County, over 80% Hispanic, is on the US-Mexico border and everyday we see the alarming demographic makeup of the tide of illegal aliens. Over half are young men, of military age and optimum physical shape, who are even raising the concern of Border Patrol Agents and other law enforcement officials. Americans should be questioning their true intent and the threat they present to the safety of our families and our communities.”

Alma Perez Jackson, President Juan Seguin Society,, said, “Residents of border towns are feeling the negative effects of bad policy enacted by the Biden-Harris administration’s planned influx of illegal crossings. The disastrous results not only impact our citizens and our law enforcement, but also impact the illegal aliens who end up in further illegal activity, eg, servitude, drug trafficking and sex trafficking. Hispanics are becoming more involved in order to stop the lawlessness. Without knowledge of how or what to do…the suffering will continue. We must be pro-active at communicating with those elected to represent us and we must be informed on issues to be effective. America is worth saving. There is no other nation that comes close to this God given country. Know who you vote for!”

Our saving grace: America’s U.S. Constitution, divinely inspired by God.

The fact that Biden-Harris have kicked American Latinos to the curb in order to cater to illegal aliens begs the question: What angst does the Biden-Harris Administration,and establishment Republicans, for that matter; have against America’s Latinos that they choose to punish Latinos?

In order to stop the war against Hispanic Americans – and all Americans – we must all demand the Biden-Harris Administration adhere to our divinely inspired United States Constitution. And demand that all elected officials follow their oaths of office by which the swear to uphold our Constitution.

This is a guest op-ed from Maria Espinoza, the National Director for The Remembrance Project. The views expressed in this op-ed may not necessarily reflect those of National File or its editorial team, however, National File is happy to offer Espinoza the opportunity to share her valid concerns about the recent actions of the Biden administration related to the U.S. border and illegal immigration.