Lawyer Behind #PenceCard Memo Slams Pence For Saying He’s ‘Proud’ Of 1/6: Trying To ‘Divert Attention’ From December 23 Betrayal

While delivering remarks at the Reagan Presidential Library in California, former Vice President Mike Pence said he would “always be proud” that he certified the fraudulent electoral college votes of Joe Biden on January 6, a move that legal experts say was an outright betrayal of President Donald Trump, the Constitution of the United States, and the American people.

Speaking to a crowd at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California yesterday about the future of a political party that overwhelmingly doesn’t support him, former Vice President Mike Pence doubled down on his support for the actions he took to establish the Presidency of Joe Biden on January 6, adding that he would “always be proud that we did our part” to certify the Electoral College votes despite evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election in multiple states.

“January 6 was a dark day in the history of the United States Capitol, but thanks to the swift action of Capitol police and law enforcement, the violence was quelled, the Capitol secured, and we reconvened the Congress on the very same day to finish the work of counting Electoral Votes from every state in the Union,” said Pence.

“Now there are those in our party who believe that in my position as presiding officer over the Joint Session, that I possess the authority to reject or return Electoral Votes certified by the states,” continued Pence. “But the Constitution provides the Vice President with no such authority before the Joint Session of Congress and the truth is there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could chose the American President,” said Pence, adding that he would “always be proud that we did our part, on that tragic day, to reconvene the Congress and fulfill our duty under the Constitution and the laws of the United States.”

The majority of Pence’s speech consisted of typical Republican talking points relating to topics such as free trade, border security, China, and the “radical left,” touting the accomplishments the administration he reportedly worked behind the scenes to undermine before and throughout his time as Vice President. “We made America great again in just for years,” Pence said.

Pence criticized Democrat policies and the actions taken by the Biden administration, a government of which might not have come into existence if he had fulfilled his legal and Constitutional duties as Vice President in December and January amid reports of voter fraud in swing states following the controversial 2020 election, legal experts say. (See: “EXCLUSIVE: White House Memo Details How ‘Pence Card’ Can Save Trump’s Presidency On Dec 23”)

As was reported on December 22, 2020, “Sources in the Trump administration confirmed to National File that President Donald Trump’s most vocal advocates within the White House have determined that both U.S. Code and the Constitution contain language that requires Vice President Mike Pence to reject unlawful Electoral College certificates, but Pence must act by no later than Wednesday, December 23.”

The White House memo, based on an argument by Constitutional lawyer Ivan Raiklin dubbed the #PenceCardMemo, highlighted Pence’s Constitutional obligation, and even gained the support of President Trump and trended to #1 on Twitter as many experts joined growing calls for Pence fulfill his oath to the founding document and notify the Secretary of State in each contested state that they had until January 6 to send in legal Electoral College certificates. As was noted in the memo, Pence was “not only duty-bound to request that the States send certificates and lists as required by Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11 from Electors that were appointed in the manner that the State Legislatures directed as soon as possible,” he was “also the sole plenary power that has the authority” to make that determination.

National File reached out to Mike Pence’s team for comment as the deadline to fulfill this legal duty dwindled down to just minutes on December 23. As was reported, Tom Pappert, National File’s Editor-in-Chief, eventually managed to get in touch with Pence’s Chief of Staff Marc Short. However, the phone call with Short lasted a mere 17 seconds, with Pappert not even managing to finish his sentence before Short hung up the phone, rejecting comment. Within the following hour, Pence had failed to follow the law as the deadline ultimately passed. (READ MORE: Mike Pence Swamped By Boos, Chants of ‘Traitor!’ At Faith And Freedom Coalition Summit)

While Pence maintains that he had “no such authority” to remedy the election fraud on January 6, multiple legal experts have provided legal opinions that run contrary to Pence’s claims. According to Constitutional lawyer Brian Remy, Pence was legally required to “exclude and discard the Certificates of Ascertainment and Certificates of Electoral Votes in the States where the fraud occurred” before or during the Joint Session on January 6 due to “the massive and expanding evidence of fraud, illegal conduct, and extremely serious violations of law that occurred during the election process in, but not limited to, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, during the 2020 General Election.”

Speaking at a Georgia rally just days before the January 6 Joint Session of Congress, President Trump said “I hope Mike Pence comes through for us, I have to tell you. I hope our great Vice President comes through for us” adding that “if he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him quite as much!” On a phone call President Trump had reportedly told Pence “You can either go down in history as a patriot, or you can go down in history as a pussy” as the former Vice President quietly conspired with Congressional leadership to deploy the National Guard against Trump supporters without consulting the President.

According to experts, Pence is campaigning to distance himself from his betrayals of the Constitution, President Trump, and MAGA supporters going back as far as 2016, in an attempt to resurface in the political arena alongside career RINO’s like Paul Ryan and the globalist political class of Washington DC as he mulls a bid for President in 2024.

In an exclusive interview with National File, Constitutional attorney Ivan Raiklin noted that “having spent 10 years on the House Judiciary Committee, Mike Pence likely had deep seeded relationships with ‘Fox News Never Trumper’ Paul Ryan, and those members of the DOJ/FBI that ultimately were weaponized against Trump to limit his ability to bring about the America First change that swept Donald J. Trump into office.”

“Robert Mueller, James Comey & Rod Rosenstein and other members of the DOJ/FBI/NSD such as Andrew Weissman, were almost certainly weaponized to conduct a coup from 2016-2019 against Trump. When that failed several times, they have been focused on silencing those that have and are exposing the massive election steal that occurred in 2020,” said Raiklin. “It all started with the voter intimidation of the 1 million people that came out on January 6 to expose the illegitimate election, of which Pence was responsible for certifying, when he refused to remedy the fraud on December 23. No facts support an alternate hypothesis that Pence was and continues to be the head of the 2016-2020 coup alongside Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell. There are simply no facts to support an alternate hypothesis.”

“Pence is now attempting to ignore his egregious December 23, 2020 Constitutional Violations and Jan 6 decisions to deflect his likely conspiracy with Pelosi and McConnell to go after anyone that supported Trump. It almost appears as though a deal was made to erase Trump supporters collectively between the establishment leaders of both parties,” said Raiklin.