“No More Free Shots on Goal” – Steve Bannon UNLOADS on “Disgusting Hypocrite” Mitt Romney — Issues Warning (VIDEO)

On Monday Steve Bannon opened The War Room with a blistering takedown of Senator Mitt Romney.

On Sunday Never-Tump Romney went on with Jake Tapper to attack President Trump and smear the historic audit in Arizona.
Audit officials are winding down their analysis of the Maricopa County ballots and Democrats are very, very nervous that they are about to be exposed.
So Mitt Romney was brought in to pile on the brave patriots working on the forensic audit and ANY Republican or supporter of the process.

Steve Bannon had enough.
On Monday the former Chief Strategist for President Trump UNLOADED on Mitt Romney, his family, his outrageous actions, and his cluelessness.

Steve Bannon: Romney’s father, avoided the draft. Romney, avoided the draft to Vietnam but he gave a protest, pro-Vietnam, at Stanford before he hid behind being a Mormon missionary and fled to France and avoided the draft… All five boys, all look like movie stars. Not one served a day in the military. Not one. OK? This is what the elites do. They talk a big game. They deride patriots. No. This is a fight for democracy. Any one patriot that was on the deck plates in Arizona has 1,000 times more patriotism, and grit and dedication to this country, to the hundreds of thousands of patriot grades that we have all over the world in defense of liberty for the common man throughout the world than the entire Romney family combined. For him to sit there on CNN and mock and ridicule Rudy Giuliani? Sir, Rudy Giuliani has more patriotism in his finger than you have in all your family lineage. OK? Romney particulary irks me because he’s such a disgusting hypocrite. He sits there and mocks Rudy and plays into all the mainstream media. It’s all fantasy. It’s a big lie. No sir! Once again, these people around President Trump, President Trump endorsed him because he was talked into it by these clowns around him. We could have had a real challenge in Utah. There’s no need for Romney to be in the Senate. No need whatsoever for Romney to be in the Senate…

…And, don’t think, you’re no longer going to get a free shot on goal. No more free shots on goal. This audit was done by patriots. People that put their shoulder to the wheel. The little guy. That’s what delivered.

Steve Bannon warned Mitt Romney that he has all the history of the Romney family for the past 150 years and he will use it.
Romney best be on notice.

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