Katie Hobbs Is TERRIFIED Of Final Arizona Vote Count – She had a Duty to Certify Accurate Results

On Thursday, The Arizona Audit evacuated the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum.

Katie Hobbs’s pink shirt observers were nowhere to be seen.

But that didn’t stop Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs from again just making up total nonsense about the audit.

Katie Hobbs tweeted:

In what looked like a mad dash to clear out of the Coliseum today, observers reported that Cyber Ninjas have resorted to weighing stacks of ballots to fill out the official manifest of what is being returned to the county. Raising the question– do they even have an actual count?

Who reported this? TGP’s Jordan Conradson was the only reporter in the building today and he didn’t report this because it’s not true.

Senate President Karen Fann set the record straight and taught Hobbs how audits work.

They do have a count but double and triple checking to verify. That’s what audits do . They make sure their numbers are accurate

Hobbs has been frantically losing it over this audit since the very beginning because she knows what is coming.

Arizona’s Katie Hobbs Suffers COMPLETE Meltdown – Far Left Hack Knows What’s Coming (VIDEO)

Recently she convinced the County to scrap the corrupted machines that were used in 2020 but now she’s pushing lies about the ballot total because she knows it will not add up.

Hobbs certified the 2020 election for Arizona.  She had a responsibility to report accurate and fraud-free results.  She must be scared to see what the real results are in Maricopa County.

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