VIDEO: Joe Biden Pulls Out Note Cards When Asked About Russia, Provides Jumbling Response

Joe Biden pulled out note cards when asked a question about Russia’s supposed role in recent cyber attacks against the US, only to provide a jumbled incoherent response.

Joe Biden, who many experts have noted may be dealing with serious cognitive decline, resorted to pulling out note cards after someone asked him a question about Russia’s supposed role in the recent cyber attacks against US critical infrastructure. After pulling out the cards, Biden gave a jumbled response that was hard to comprehend, fueling claims that the President is ill-prepared and not mentally equipped to be holding the highest office in the land. He was then asked if he wanted his receipt, which seemed to provoke more confusion.

The President was in a shop when asked a question about Russia’s supposed involvement in recent cyber attacks against the US. “Mr. President let me know if I can ask you a question,” said a woman. Biden paused for a moment, then said “sure,” as the entire room laughed. (READ MORE: SENIOR MOMENTS: 7 Times Biden Made No Sense During His First Press Conference)

“With the most recent hack by the Russians, would you say that this means that-” said the woman, only to be interrupted by Biden who said “We’re not sure it’s the Russians, I [inaudible], I got a brief on the, as I was on the plane, that’s why I was late getting off the plane. I got a brief and uh..”

“Uh, I’ll be in better shape to talk to you about it,” said Biden, followed by a long pause as he pulled out his note cards. “I’ll tell you what they sent me. Okay? Uh, that uh,” continued Biden as he paused again to study his cards. “The idea, first of all, we’re not sure who it is for certain, number one. And what I did, I directed the full resources of the, of the government to assist in a response if we determine-” said Biden who stopped mid-answer to ask the cashier. “What else you need?” The cashier added, “Oh, nothing, you’re all set!” Biden then replied,  “Okay,” before again looking to his note cards.

“And um, uh, the fact is that the, uh Director of the Intelligence community [inaudible] give me a deep dive on what’s happened, and I’ll know better, uh, tomorrow, and if it is, uh, either with the knowledge of and or a consequence of Russia, then I told Putin we will respond,” mumbled Biden. “We’re not certain. The initial thinking was it was not Russian government, um, but we’re not sure yet,” Biden said.

On a related note regarding cyber attacks and Russia, Biden recently handed Russian President Vladimir Putin a list of 16 “off limits” US critical infrastructure targets during their meeting in Switzerland, as National File reported.

Biden, who once called the Russian President a “killer,” handed Vladimir Putin a list of 16 “off limits” US critical infrastructure targets while discussing cybercrime during their Geneva meeting, according to reports. “Certain critical infrastructures should be off-limits to attack, period, by cyber or any other means,” said Biden. “I gave them a list, 16 specific entities defined as critical infrastructure under U.S. policy, from the energy sector to water systems.”

More prominent figures are beginning to notice the President’s apparent cognitive decline and are speaking out. National File reported that on the June 24 episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, Joe Rogan said “We’re unhinged in a lot of ways and we’re not anchored down by a real leader, you know, we don’t really have a real leader in this country anymore.” The discussion on the show then brought up Biden. “I mean you can say Joe Biden is the president, he’s our leader, and you’d be correct on paper, but I mean everybody knows he’s out of his mind. He’s just, he’s barely hanging in there,” said Rogan.