PAPPERT: We’ll ‘Will Win This Fight’ Against Mark Kelly, Clinton Lawyers, Take Back Arizona, Just Need The Funds

Speaking to Red Voice Media’s Stew Peters, National File’s Editor in Chief Tom Pappert said that the site will win the fight against Senator Mark Kelly, taking back Arizona for the GOP, as long as they have the funds for their legal battle.

Pappert appeared on The Stew Peters Show on Friday, discussing the current lawsuit brought against National File by Arizona Senator Mark Kelly for an article from last year linking him to a yearbook photo from his 1980s yearbook of a man dressed up as Adolf Hitler. Pappert told Peters that it was no surprise that Kelly immediately had “a million statements from so-called classmates,” denying that the man in the photo was him, suggesting that the media was working with him and knew when the story was going to come out.

The lawsuit, launched by the Clinton-linked law firm Perkins Coie before the 2020 election. In fact, the same lawyer handling the case from Kelly against National File was the same lawyer that helped get Hillary Clinton out of the email scandal. “They needed headlines about Mark Kelly fighting back against this ragtag outlet,” Pappert said. (Donate to National File’s GiveSendGo to help fund the legal fight against Mark Kelly and his Hillary Clinton lawyers)

“As we move into 2022, he’s going to be haunted by this lawsuit that he initiated unless he dismisses it, in which case, full victory for National File, and if not, I very much look forward to walking into a courtroom one or two or maybe at the very most three months before Arizona votes are going to go to the polls,” Pappert said.

He added that National File will make sure any and all scandals involving Kelly, including one where his aide was caught describing the police as “f**king pigs,” will be shared on “every single medium you can imagine” across Arizona, and that there will be “absolutely no way that the globalist cabal, the machine, is going to be able to pull off another steal in 2022 like they did in 2020.”

Peters asked Pappert how the suit is currently ongoing, and while he couldn’t discuss much publicly, he confirmed that it was currently in discovery stages, with the first wave of subpoenas sent out. “If I were Mark Kelly… I would not want to be deposed,” Pappert said. “I would not want to go to trial. I would not want any of this two happen two or three months before my first real election.”

“The whole game here is that they just want to run us out of the bank,” Pappert continued. “They want to make sure we cannot afford to keep this going forward, so it’s a game of chicken. Can we afford to keep paying our lawyers, and keep the lights on here in the studio?”

Pappert however remained optimistic, despite the opposition from the deep state. “We will win this fight and we will take Arizona back, and with Arizona goes the Senate, and with Arizona goes in my opinion, goes the country,” he concluded. “It’s going to be a very fun fight. I’m looking forward to this. Every day I wake up and think this is going to be the most fun I’ve ever had. We just need your support to make it happen.”

Click here to donate to National File’s legal fight to beat U.S. Senator Mark Kelly.