Capitol Police Arrest Democrat Congresswoman For Storming Hart Senate Building Chanting “End the Filibuster!” (VIDEO)


Democrat Rep. Joyce Beatty along with a group of protesters stormed the Hart Senate Building on Thursday chanting “end the filibuster!”

Congresswoman Beatty, who is the head of the Congressional Black Caucus, was arrested by the Capitol Police.


Beatty was zip tied by the police.

Earlier Thursday, Rep. Beatty said she was protesting to protect voting rights for black women.

It is unclear how “voting rights” for black women is in danger.

“This afternoon, nine people were arrested for demonstrating in a prohibited area on Capitol Grounds,” the Capitol Police said in a statement to Fox News. “At approximately 3:30pm, the United States Capitol Police responded to the Atrium in the Hart Senate Office Building for reports of illegal demonstration activity. After officers arrived on the scene, they warned the demonstrators three times to stop. Those who refused were arrested for D.C. Code §22-1307. Two males and seven females were transported to USCP Headquarters for processing.”

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