EM Health Expert Talks Corona Kill Shots and Brain Control

By Peter A. Kirby

Electromagnetic energy (EM) expert Ginny Silcox recently spoke with Dustin Nemos of the Nemos News Network. Ginny is an expert in the area of EM and Human health effects. Her professional experience and deep research has led her to postulate that graphene from the COVID 19 kill shots (VAERS statistics) can facilitate extremely effective EM brain control.

Due to its conductivity, graphene is commonly used today in antennas for electronic devices. Once injected, the graphene from the kill shot can manifest as a coating on any internal bodily structure that has a lot of nerve conduction such as the brain, heart, and spinal cord.

Of particular note to our discussion, the graphene from the shot can end up coating a certain part of the brain known as the Caudate nucleus. If the Caudate nucleus is coated with graphene, it can act as an extremely effective antenna. It is already very well known that targeted EM can control the Human brain and body. A graphene-coated Caudate nucleus could serve to greatly increase the effectiveness of it all.

A centerpiece of the New World Order has been revealed. It is the controlling of people’s brains with EM on a routine, day-to-day basis with previously unseen efficacy. The graphene shots appear to be an integral component of this conspiracy. Weaponized EM from one’s smartphone could provide individuals with custom-tailored brain control. This appears to be a big reason why the shots are being pushed so hard today. All this is how the establishment goes about keeping its boot on our collective neck indefinitely. All they need is for us to consent.

Death: from Google to your brain


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Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Please buy the greatly revised and expanded second edition of his book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project available now exclusively at Amazon. Also please join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com.

Image: Pixabay

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EM Health Expert Talks Corona Kill Shots and Brain Control