“He’s Always Right” – Greg Kelly Argues US Women’s Soccer Team Deserved to Lose — Ends Segment with Trump’s Warning on Woke-ism (VIDEO)

America-hating anthem kneeler Megan Rapinoe was in tears today following the US women’s shocking loss to Canada in Olympic soccer.
It was the first time in 20 years that Canada defeated the American team.

Following the loss Rapinoe spoke with reporters in what is likely her final Olympic year.
Rapinoe did much to damage the team with her constant attacks on President Trump and her country.

Like true Marxists the women’s team even kneeled against their country at the Olympics.

On Monday night Greg Kelly told his audience he was glad the US Women’s soccer team lost.

Greg Kelly: I always love it when America wins the gold. Not this time. I am quite pleased that the women’s soccer team lost to Canada. They deserved to lose because of their antics, because of their woke antics and all of their politicization of sports. I don’t like it. I have a feeling you don’t like it. All the kneeling. Do you remember in the runup of the Olympics they actually wore black lives matter sweatshirts. That’s a bit much… Just focus on sports next time, ladies… I think this is one of the reasons they lost…

…Woke politics, what does it make you, Mr. President? “Woke Politics ruins your mind and ruins you as a person. You become warped and you become demented.” It makes you lose.

Via Greg Kelly Reports:

The post “He’s Always Right” – Greg Kelly Argues US Women’s Soccer Team Deserved to Lose — Ends Segment with Trump’s Warning on Woke-ism (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.