Steve Bannon on AZ Audit: My Understanding is They May Release Preliminary Numbers as Soon as This Week (VIDEO)

Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Tuesday morning following the news Monday that Dominion Voting Systems and the Maricopa Board of Elections defied Arizona Senate subpoena’s to turn over data and equipment related to the ongoing forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election.

Senator Rogers told Steve Bannon that the audit report may come in 2-3 weeks.

Steve Bannon then told his audience the numbers may be announced this week!

Steve Bannon: OK, I want to make sure when Senator Rogers was here in her segment she said 2 or 3 weeks to see numbers. That’s roughly when I believe they are going to get the first copy of the overall report. My understanding is it could be much quicker. Maybe even this week to get some preliminary numbers. Three times they’ve gone through the full forensic… Remember this is tripartheid. You’ve got a full forensic audit of the ballots. You then have a recanvasing or canvasing of the ballots, right? This is what the Justice Department is threatening criminal action of the patriots. And then you got the machines. I understand when some people in the audience freak out when I say this. Hey, I’m just not a machine guy.

Via The War Room:

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